Updated Pic On cutting Cycle


Gettin Swole
This is me at 270lbs at around 10%bf I still have some weight to lose around the lower stomach but this is the first time in my life I have been able to see my abs. If I drop 10-12 more pounds of fat I will be right where I want to be. I cut down from 320lbs at about 19%bf. I will update pic in another couple of weeks.

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nice job swole. the man did his home work had a plan and follwed thru. actions speak MUCH louder than words. very impressive.

you must have some good size legs as well.
My legs have always been what I hit the hardest. I cant stand the top heavy look that I see so much today in the gyms. Although I think my calves are a little small for my body. Thats why I have been hitting them eod on this cycle.
Indeed it is! Diet/Starvation and Cardio seem to do the trick!! Im hoping it will be gone within the next couple weeks.
chidoks said:
that bottom belly part is always the hardest...

idk why that area is so hard to get lean.... im probably a bit under 10% myself, but i can still pinch a layer all the way around in that lower area.
wow, I remember seeing your pics before you started cutting. Huge differance and definatly motivating.