Urgent help! Overall body swelling - edema

Bar the swelling I feel fine.

On the way to get liver, kidney, estrogen and thyroid checked.

If you saw my email I asked would the aromisin I took this morning make a low blood result today, yet the symptoms could remain? Or will the symptoms go in line with estrogen? As in if estro comes back low, and I'm still a bit puffy should I discount it or it could be delayed?

The Aromasin you took this morning will affect your blood work results. Since you took the 'new' Aromasin this morning you now will not know where the old Aromasin had your E2 at unfortunately.

Estrogen may change at a different rate than the water your body is carrying. I doubt it is a direct linear relationship.
The Aromasin you took this morning will affect your blood work results. Since you took the 'new' Aromasin this morning you now will not know where the old Aromasin had your E2 at unfortunately.

Estrogen may change at a different rate than the water your body is carrying. I doubt it is a direct linear relationship.

Okay well we will see the results tomorrow... If kidney tests and all are fine then it must be estrogen regardless of how high the results come up if the aromisin this morning did affect it...
Okay well we will see the results tomorrow... If kidney tests and all are fine then it must be estrogen regardless of how high the results come up if the aromisin this morning did affect it...

On the way back from blood test. Going to skip lifting today but could going no carb and doing some light cardio help the retention atall?
On the way back from blood test. Going to skip lifting today but could going no carb and doing some light cardio help the retention atall?

If your var is dbol then good luck doing cardio. Your legs will cramp within the first 5 minutes. Lowering the carbs and SODIUM will help with the water retention. Good luck with the cardio though bud :spin:

Edit: should have held out on using the new asin bud
Olly: hopefully you can now see that you didn't have the experience to run several compounds during your first cycle. You have so many issues going on that you don't know what is causing what. And your panicking is making it impossible to diagnose what the cause was. I know I keep beating this dead horse, but this is why we recommend the first cycle only be 500mg of test, an AI and hCG.

Do you accept now that throwing Tren into the mix would make things even worse?