Using Peptides SimulTANeously


New member
This is my first post and may I just start out by saying what a BRILLIANT forum this is!!! Thankyou to all those who have contributed in sharing their experiences and knowledge thus far.. Especially to "newbies" such as myself..

What a mindfeild it is out there given all the "theories", the "do's & don'ts" and advice circulating around the peptide industry. However, one area in particular that I am greatly intersested in is:

Can MELANOTAN 2 and 1GF 1LR3 be used or administered safely into the body at the same time? and if so, is there any specific time frame as to time elapsed or how far apart each seperate dose/injection should be? i.e; M2 injected into the blood stream in the morning and then 1GF 1LR3 injected into the body in the evening/pm after a weight training session.

My current situation is as follows;
As everyone knows, the AUSTRALIAN Summer Sun can be extremely taxing on the skin at the best of times and so as a result I am a committed user of MELANOTAN 2 during the Summer months given the amount of exercise I do on the beach. In a nutshell, MT2 is like administering sunscreen directly into the blood stream, 30++ style.

However, in the evening I then head to the gym and complete a weight training session hence my new found inerest for IGF 1LR3. Never having used this HGH before, I'm sure now why you can understand my health & safety concerns and the simple question;

CAN THESE TWO PEPTIDES BE USED ON THE SAME DAY? and WOULD THERE BE ANY RISKS INVOLVED IF I WAS TO DO SO? I would greatly appreciate some insight into this topic before I start "double - dosing" with 2 different peptides...

Regards. simone :)
Shouldn't be a problem. With IGF-1 LR3 you can dose pretty much anytime, anywhere. A lot of folks like dosing IGF-1 pre-workout for the pumps, and it doesn't interfere with natural MGF effects post workout. However, with the LR3 I'm not sure since the half-life is much longer than DES or natural IGF-1.

Overall though, you should be fine researching both MT2 and IGF-1. MT2 gave me slightly upset stomach though, so I always dosed in the evening or before bed.