Vanilla Oatmeal?


Rare Piranha Keeper
Well... with all these posts about what to eat. Brings me to my question. I've got a 10lb bag that im workin on of optimum vanilla whey. I should have gotten chocolate again.... has anyone mixed vanilla protien in with thier oatmeal? Its walmarts brand of old fasion.

I may give it a try tomorrow... hasnt anyone tried this?
atherjen said:
I have NEVER been able to conquer mixing whey into oats before.. it just NEVER turns out for me! :(

Me neither! It ruins the taste of the oatmeal. You know what I have mixed with my oatmeal Jen that I'm sure you'll love. Peanut Butter!!!
It's awesome! :)
Fyre said:
Me neither! It ruins the taste of the oatmeal. You know what I have mixed with my oatmeal Jen that I'm sure you'll love. Peanut Butter!!!
It's awesome! :)

and here I thought I was the only one that could never figure out the whey in oats. :D
OHHH MYY your telling me!! I LOVE ob in my oats, only on occasion though, I tend to lean more towards seperating carbs and fats in the same meals.. but darn its SO good! Fyre, we're too much alike.. or either our obsession with pb is too similar! ;)
I love whey and oatmeal, have it every morning at 5:30.

I can't put down oats without it, and yes ON's Vanilla is good mixed up with it.
Oatmeal is pretty good with sweet and low in there also...maybe a pinch of cinnamon.....I dont reallt mind it plain but change is alwways good...PB sould like an idea I could handle also....
ON my diet I would use 1/2 cup of oats, cooking them into like a paste. Then I would mix in two scoops of chocolate Pro Complex, then throw it in the freezer for 2 hours. I thought it was pretty good, then again i would have probably ate anything.