vegan bodybuilding simple question.


New member
So my friends a vegan and he is HUGE.. he is 6'1 and about 220-230 pounds at i'm guessing 13% bodyfat

He says he does not use gear but I know that's a lie..

ANYWAYS the question

everyone says vegans have a huge disadvantage. Obviously from protein sources. So I confronted him about it.

he says he supplements with amino acids and he has no problems getting 250 grams of protein a day as a vegan with tofu and all that crap.

And that's something I never thought about.. if a vegan supplements the amino acids they miss out on due to a vegan diet.. is it really a disadvantage? This is something that really makes my brain work. You know I honestly ALWAYS thought vegans had a massive disadvantage in bodybuilding and I never knew my friend was a vegan but he is f*cking massive and strong as hell. It really makes me question things.
Over at ****** they have loads of vegan protein products, and I recall reading some testimonials by vegans who looked jacked. Protein is no problem to get, you just need to be scientific to make sure you have a balanced diet with all the macros and micros.
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Sure man what ever. Never mind the fact the your immune system is tied to the health of the bacteria in your guy that you only get from dairy or fermented foods. You can't eat enough fermented foods to maintain the health of that bacteria. The Vegan Diet is not healthy.
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vegans are strange to me...

why deny your fangs what they were meant to do?
Vegans miss out on alot of healthy cholesterol and fats thats why they slowly go crazy you're brain needs those things along with a lot of other stuff you miss out on if you are vegan