vegi burger a good source of protein ?


New member
i recently bought this vegi burger and here is its nutritional values per 100 grams :

calories: 128
protein : 17 grams
carbs: 6 grams
fat : 4 grams
dietary fibers : 5 grams

also lots and lots of vitamins.

its main ingrdiants :
water,soy protein,onion,wheat protein,egg protein - in that order

is this a good source of protein or should i stick to chicken breast tuna and meat ?
Soy and wheat are not good sources of complete proteins. Definitely stick with the old stand bys of chicken, fish and beef.
Soy is in fact, a "complete" protein and offers a full amino acid profile. While not on a par with beef or whole eggs for bv ratio, your soy burger is a nice quick meat alternative. ;)