VenomX 6 weeks out please critique


New member
Hi guys, i'm six weeks out from my first comp. (if i decide to do it) Looking for constructive criticism. I'm going through some mind games right now where i don't think im ready. I keep comparing myself to my old pictures 2 years ago when i was going to compete and then injured my back. I have decided to put them away and focus on where i am now. However i need to decide if im going to compete in six weeks, or bulk for 4 more weeks and compete in the next comp.

I'll be competing in the novice devision middle weight
8% bf
I start dieting tomorrow for the comp.







fullypaully: chest isn't my best feature, never has been and i think because of that i have been overtraining it, im gonna cut the volume back on it a lil and see if that helps, but with 6 weeks left differences will prob. be minimal.

Lifttillidie: the muscle between my ears lol, gotta convince myself im ready
I agree that your chest is the place that needs the most work, but that said it could be a lot worse. You look very proportioned and are already nice and lean. All you need is a tan and drop a few bf% you'll be ready to go. What type of cycle are you on and what are you planning to run up to the competition?
You look good man, very lean. As for whether you should bulk for 4 more weeks or cut now, I'd say keep cutting imo. Start tanning now either by sunlight or tanning bed and you'll look a lot better which will help you w/ your mindgames.
Lifttilidie: I have been and am still training naturally right now but it gets more tempting as the show gets closer.

Vennom96: Thanks bro, that seems to be the general consensus so far, tanning? what you don't like my golf tan lol :)
Looks real good bro, but like fully said, your chest is lacking just a bit. Everything else is lookin real good.

Good luck. :)
I was going to say you look pretty good, but then I saw you were natty, in that case, you look even better. I think you should compete. You definately need to start tanning. Besides that, keep cutting and do it.
go for it bro. If anything, you need the experience. I was lined up for my first show about 5 months ago, and I chickened out. I would have competed in the teen division. (Im 18). Anyway, I went to watch the show a few weeks ago that I would have competed in, and to say the least I was dissappointed that I didn't do it. Mainly becasue the kid that won teen division, ended up winning the overall open mens, and I would have wasted that kid, considering that I was only 5'4" 165lbs, and ripped up, and the kid that won, was like 6 feet maybe 165-170lbs, if that. I really think i could have matched his BF too, becasue I was 7 weeks out when I quit, and I was at 8%. The moral of the stroy is do it, if for nothing else, do it for the experience. BTW you look really good for a natty.
I agree with Ingram, looking great but start getting the poses down, will make a big differ.

I would say chest and calves need the most work, also seem to be holdind more water in the legs, but with luck that will go away easy when you start the diet.
Good luck bro! Keep us updated!
fullypaully: thanks, your avatar is going to get me in trouble here at work lol

Ingram,Bast: I have some posing coaches that are going to help me nail down my poses so i can have them spot on for contest day. I'm 3 days into the diet, i'm freaking hungry but im noticably leaner after 3days! i think its because i've dropped some water.
Well i've survived a week of the diet. All of my caliper tests have gone down from last week, but get this i get on the scale this morning on an empty stomache and i weigh almost 1.5lbs heavier! I'm visably leaner too wierd huh.

here's a couple update pix to compare leaness.


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