Ventrogluteal injection

Mr. Humdiddly

Knowledge Receptacle
Did my first ventrogluteal injection today. Least I think it was... Hopefully I hit the right spot if not I guess the worst case is I get slower absorption. Did a cc of B-12. Was a lot easier then glutes for sure. Anybody else use this spot?
It's the only part of my glutes I can hit, and even then only the left side. It's a very smooth and easy injection, though.
I can hit my glutes but it is a fuckin ordeal. I would rather just eliminate glutes and hit ventrogluteal area instead but, my b-12 is not oil based so I have reserved ventrogluteal, and lats for B-12 and glutes, quads, chest, delts are for my tren/prop.
i allways hit the vent glutes, not as much twisting as there is to get to the glute, and even if you get sore from it the pain wont get in the way of training
i allways hit the vent glutes, not as much twisting as there is to get to the glute, and even if you get sore from it the pain wont get in the way of training

Yeah I hate the twisting with glutes. Sometimes I cramp during an injection and that is just super fun...
can some one en-light me here ? what is ventroglute? ...I just pin on the side of cheeks..

Take your hand and place it on the greater trochanter, depending on the length of your fingers you would then place your index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine or point your finger in that direction with the thumb pointed at the groin, all other fingers should be pointed at the patient's head. Once your hand is in position move your middle finger back along the iliac crest towards the buttock as far as you are able to go. This forms the triangle with the index and middle finger and the center of that triangle is the injection site for a ventrogluteal injection.


I have a better pic but, I think I will spare the board the sight of male ass. If your still confused I can PM you the pic.
i find the best way to find the spot is to stand up and flex your leg/glute the muscle that pops out by your hip is where to shoot
youll never go back to pinning rear glutes if you hit this spot, i didnt anyway, i also like useing two hands when i asperate and this spot allows you too