For Optimum Health at the ages I posted.
These numbers are where you want your Estradiol to be, or Close to it.
Too Much Estradiol, and you can have Low Libido, Enlarged Breasts, Increased Abdominal Fat, Loss of Muscle Mass.
Too Little Estradiol and you can have Fatigue, Bone Loss, Anxiety, and Painful Joints.......................... JP
When Estradiol is at or near the Optimal Range, you'll notice a Big Difference in how you feel.
And if On-Cycle, you'll have an Improved Cycle, vs Too Much or Not Enough Estrogen.
Men Need Estradiol !
Thanks bro. Really good explanation and something I did not know, just knew you wanted it stable but never really understood why. (still dont truth be told but I understand concept better now)
I recently adjusted my AI (too high e2) and soon will switch to asin (pretty much thanks to your endless hype about it hahah) so will see how everything looks.
But reading what you wrote I suspect i've gone from bit to high to bit too low...
Have had pretty insane fatigue past week and tiny bit anxiety. Will do bloodwork in about a week, wanna verifiy my GH same time

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