vitamin A


New member
i was in class the other day studying the effect of testosterone on a fetus at a certain stage during growth/birth and how it forces that fetus to become a knowing that testosterone is used in bobybuilding and all we also study how vitamin A cause certain chicken embreo to grow wings where they were the drop of vitamin A touched them in the egg. does this mean that vitamin A could possibly be put in place of testosterone and maybe cause an NCAA athlete like myself to not fail a drug test? i just know high testosterone levels will cause one to fail the test. i just was wondering about vitamin A and its effects on your body.
I have no clue what you are asking, but when they test you for gear, they are not testing you for high test levels, although its a dead give-away you're on something... they test you for the metabolites excreted in your urine (roughly 90% of gear you take is excreted in urine), or they do a blood test or hair sample test and if they do those, you'll be pretty fucked if you're on something. I don't see how Vitamin A can beat that...

I am totally not seeing the link between testosterone and vitamin A you are trying to draw here. How does testosterone making a boy have anything to do with vitamin A growing wings on a chicken and passing a drug test? It sounds like Ronald McDonald had a 3 way with Magic Johnson and a chicken and then came up with that idea.

Vitamin A in high doses will put a strain on the liver, which is one reason why beta carotene is prefered.
Lol, wow thats a stretch. Vitamin A is also oil soluable and very toxic in high doses. Dont mess with it, the use vitamin A derivatives for accutane, retin-A, and other topical and systemic acne applications. Thats about all vitamin A really has to offer.

If the only thing that will fail you is high testosterone, do an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose and run other compounds concurrently.
by no means am i on this stuff and my bad on being confusing i just got up and it was a rough morning. umm i understand about the vitamin A and i thought it was bad for you at too high of a count. and i am completly lost on the connection also. sad thing is we talked about this in a Psychology class. just don't make alot of sense sometimes.