vote on how i should run Ment with my Tren cycle


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Looking for what you guys think as the best option for my running of Ment (Trestolone) to my current cycle

I'm currently running test/tren/masteron and will be blasting 5 weeks worth of Ment as well

option A) continue running my cycle with the Tren Ace that will be finished at week 9 . and then AFTER week 9 blast the Ment every day for 5 weeks (with the masteron and test but no tren)


option B) I'm running Tren ace EOD , add the Ment in now and pin it on the days I'm not pinning the Tren

vote on option A or option B - or give me an option c if you want

notes for option A , well I'm running low test , with the Tren and mast which do not aromatize , so i have zero estrogen issues to deal with right now. If I do option B , Ment aromatizes a ton, so I will have to deal with that now , rather then wait until the Tren is done

notes for option B, Ment is more powerful of an anabolic then Tren, perhaps running this two together will be synergestic and really put on some mass.
Is this your first ment run? Then I vote A. So you can have a better idea of how it works. The tren may blur the perception so to speak.
If u are using it again then I vote B!
And for C I say don't run it at all and give it to me to run...
Is this your first ment run? Then I vote A. So you can have a better idea of how it works. The tren may blur the perception so to speak.
If u are using it again then I vote B!
And for C I say don't run it at all and give it to me to run...

yes first run with Ment . good idea running it solo without the tren to see how it effects me
Since you don't need a test base and MENT is supposedly significantly more powerful than tren, why not run it solo to see just how powerful it is?
Since you don't need a test base and MENT is supposedly significantly more powerful than tren, why not run it solo to see just how powerful it is?

great idea . option A , but drop the test and the mast at week 9 as well, and just run the Ment completely solo

edit. actually just drop the tren and the test , keep the Masteron in there though , cause of the DHT base (ment does not convert to dht to at all)
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Just start now you are going to notice it tren or no tren let it be an early Chrissy present for ya
And enjoy the monstrous increase in libido
Just start now you are going to notice it tren or no tren let it be an early Chrissy present for ya
And enjoy the monstrous increase in libido

I'm tempted . every time i see it sitting there in my stash i'm like man i should just run this now. always get that way with a new compound you've never tried, you just can't wait to pop that cherry
decision has been made.

I'm going to completely stop Tren ace, masteron , AND yes Test , this week. Been on Tren A for 5 weeks or so and masteron for months. Going to come off and blast just the Ment at 50mg injected daily for 5 weeks. want to see how the Ment works completely solo.
once those 5 weeks are done, I'll jump back on tren a for the remainder of the last 4 weeks.

also again won't be running test either , as Ment is one of the only compounds you can do this with being it acts on the sex hormones just like testosterone does. This should give me a good clue as to how i react to just Ment.
decision has been made.

I'm going to completely stop Tren ace, masteron , AND yes Test , this week. Been on Tren A for 5 weeks or so and masteron for months. Going to come off and blast just the Ment at 50mg injected daily for 5 weeks. want to see how the Ment works completely solo.
once those 5 weeks are done, I'll jump back on tren a for the remainder of the last 4 weeks.

also again won't be running test either , as Ment is one of the only compounds you can do this with being it acts on the sex hormones just like testosterone does. This should give me a good clue as to how i react to just Ment.

Cool man starting it off with no test well at least you will get to see what ments all about running it this way 50 mg is fairly low thought id think about upping it to something like 80 mg I'm taking 30 daily as a cruising \ trt dose
Cool man starting it off with no test well at least you will get to see what ments all about running it this way 50 mg is fairly low thought id think about upping it to something like 80 mg I'm taking 30 daily as a cruising \ trt dose

well i used to run high doses, several grams a gear at once. I don't do that much anymore, even right now i was on a total of only 900mg a week.

the thought with going with only 50mg a day , was to compare it apples to apples with Tren . Tren is effective for me at only 350mg a week (few sides, and I can put on seven pounds of pure LBM in 5 weeks). SO, my thought with the MENT is to run it for 5 weeks at the same exact dose I would run Tren.
so its 350mg of Tren for 5 weeks, vs 350mg of Ment for 5 weeks
well i used to run high doses, several grams a gear at once. I don't do that much anymore, even right now i was on a total of only 900mg a week.

the thought with going with only 50mg a day , was to compare it apples to apples with Tren . Tren is effective for me at only 350mg a week (few sides, and I can put on seven pounds of pure LBM in 5 weeks). SO, my thought with the MENT is to run it for 5 weeks at the same exact dose I would run Tren.
so its 350mg of Tren for 5 weeks, vs 350mg of Ment for 5 weeks

Yea that's fair enough brother
I know its a hard comparison but don't forget you were taking test with that tren though were as the ment dose the job of both (sort of) so I always thought of it that way with dosing ment so maybe the same amount of test and the 50mg of ment would be a better comparison than just 50 of ment
I dunno ment is a different beast as it basically the only form of aas that dose the same job as test
If it wasn't triple the price and not an acetate id swap it out for test in all my blasts cruises with that said only about a week left and I'm out so ill be back to test soon
Yea that's fair enough brother
I know its a hard comparison but don't forget you were taking test with that tren though were as the ment dose the job of both (sort of) so I always thought of it that way with dosing ment so maybe the same amount of test and the 50mg of ment would be a better comparison than just 50 of ment
I dunno ment is a different beast as it basically the only form of aas that dose the same job as test
If it wasn't triple the price and not an acetate id swap it out for test in all my blasts cruises with that said only about a week left and I'm out so ill be back to test soon

Thats a valid point there. I'll have to look into that some , if a fair degree of the Ment is going to be bound up to androgen receptors outside of muscle tissue then thats something to consider.
I guess really comparison to comparison would be to just drop the Tren now and replace it with Ment and keep the test and mast in there like its been , then I'm just swapping out 350mg of Tren with 350mg of Ment.
But was also curious to see how Ment goes 100% solo too.
Thats a valid point there. I'll have to look into that some , if a fair degree of the Ment is going to be bound up to androgen receptors outside of muscle tissue then thats something to consider.
I guess really comparison to comparison would be to just drop the Tren now and replace it with Ment and keep the test and mast in there like its been , then I'm just swapping out 350mg of Tren with 350mg of Ment.
But was also curious to see how Ment goes 100% solo too.

Yea true well I guess you have to decide if you want to run it as a comparison to tren keeping the mast and test would be the most scientific correct way of comparing tren and ment or like you say drop it all and run the ment as a stand alone in any case if you keep the mast and test id say 50 of ment would be fine if running it as a standard alone id definitely look into upping the ment even just a little.
just adding a note here . been pinning Ment a few days now. I've pinned my delt, my chest, my quad. absolutely zero pip what so ever , smooth as butter. tomorrow I'll pin the bicep.
just adding a note here . been pinning Ment a few days now. I've pinned my delt, my chest, my quad. absolutely zero pip what so ever , smooth as butter. tomorrow I'll pin the bicep.

Bicep wft man yea its smooth stuff how you been feeling so far ??? I just ran out :'-(
Bicep wft man yea its smooth stuff how you been feeling so far ??? I just ran out :'-(

yeah you gotta mix up those injection sites with the oils man, don't just hit the same muscle groups year after year.
you get just a little bit of cell swell and inflammation in the muscle group you pin with gear, so why not pin biceps, the inflammation process builds 'volume' (no not muscle) because of signaling pathways. more blood will flow to areas you pin regularly . just my thought.

feel good, i think the Ment is causing me to hold more glycogen stores in the muscle , hard to tell right now, but I feel a bit fuller in the muscles i've worked recently. test can do the same thing, maybe ment does it better, idk
Yea I tried biceps they seemed to hard or dense lol could barley push the pin in
Triceps are nice and quads there my go to never even pinned my glutes ever I don't want anything entering \ stabbing that area lol
Yea I tried biceps they seemed to hard or dense lol could barley push the pin in
Triceps are nice and quads there my go to never even pinned my glutes ever I don't want anything entering \ stabbing that area lol

yeah Glutes are my least favorite now after all these years. i hate rotating to glutes (but when I need to get 3cc in thats where i go). Lats are pretty much a go to for high volume gear around 2cc. Pecs are the easiest , most painless, and quickest way to shoot 1cc in no issues at all. grab your pin, stab your chest, inject, and continue with your day