Want to give a THANK YOU to 3J!!!!


New member
I've done 4 cycles in the past including this one I'm on right now (3'rd one was bunk), but regardless I never really cared about watching macros before. It was always calories in versus calories out depending on if I was bulking/cutting. I always put on some body fat on my previous cycles and never really got to where I wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, I made gains and looked way better, but it was no where, where I had anticipated I wanted to be. I was in college during these past cycles and all I would ever do is go to the dining halls and eat whatever was in sight that looked healthy to me and would fit within my caloric constraints. I never cooked for myself and just ate there without watching my macros. This time around, I decided to ditch the meal plan, and to start cooking my own meals. I started to dig deeper about dieting, more specifically macros and the types of foods I should be eating, and I learned so much from it! I wrote up my very own diet plan after all my research and then I hit up 3j and got his help. He wrote me up a cutting diet and I basically followed it to the t while I was using test prop/tren ace.

I'm currently in PCT right now and looking back from the beginning of the cycle, I've lost nearly 3 percent of my body fat and gained nearly 11 quality pounds!!! I'm almost 1 week into PCT and my weight has stayed constant, while body fat still continues to go down! Strength has gone up as has size. I've never been so happy before!!! I gained more on this last cycle than I ever did on my previous tren cycle or other cycles because I really WATCHED MY DIET!! I can't give 3j enough praise for this and I also can't stress HOW IMPORTANT DIETING IS to anybody new to bodybuilding or cycling, ESPECIALLY watching your macros, and MORE IMPORTANTLY watching your carbohydrate sources.

I've learned so much about dieting from him and just reading online. I always thought I knew a lot about dieting, but I was so wrong. There is so much information out there to be learned! I'm learning something new about dieting everyday, really. Honestly, all the knowledge I've gained from dieting and just reading is something I really value now. Knowledge is power and I used it to kick ass with 3j this time around! I have people come up to me asking for dieting tips now and I can say that through this entire experience I'm now well versed with what one should eat and how one should diet. I'm in no means a master, but man I know so much right now and I love hopping online and learning more!!

The money that 3j charges you to get his help on your diet is totally worth it!!!! I look so much bigger and better now, I can't signify that enough. I have people coming up to me asking me what I did differently and that I should really look into competing. I can't give 3j enough praise!! 3j is the man!!!! Wish I used him when I first started cycling almost 2 years back! If you are hesitant about using 3j or spending the money to use him, DON'T BE!! Honestly, the money spent on 3j is probably more worthwhile than the money you spend on your cycle because DIET IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!!!!! I think what I've learned from these last 9-10 weeks is that when you eat, you should be EATING WITH PURPOSE. Make every calorie and macro count and you will be golden, I promise!

THANK YOU soo much 3j!!!!!!!

I also nearly forgot. I want to thank everybody on this board as well for helping me with my diet questions along the way! You guys have been spot on with every thing, and I couldn't have gotten here without you guys either!!!
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