want to guess my weight, sign,original hair color


i get a kick out of how big or small some of you guys and gals are. it's easy to talk like your a big guy but pics don't lie. not that i think i am a pro bb but just got off the scales and i was 247 lb almost 18 stone.i am six one. 19inch arms, 19 inch neck, not sure but high bf...maybe 20%, never measured it. 37 inch waist. 57 inch chest. i will be turning 40 in march. nothing to prove, hell i got a lot of work to do, just like seeing pics of my fellow ologist. and i am open to all suggestions if you see a lagging body part/parts.i had a few more leg pics but ran out of space.
i get a kick out of how big or small some of you guys and gals are it's easy to talk like your a big guy but pics don't lie not that i think i am a pro BLA BLA BLA QUOTE]

Sheeeeyit.....I make a thanks giving poop bigger than that with more symetry.

Leeeme see

scalp hair color --mostly curly pubes
skin color- Michael jackson white/other
Weight--178 and declining
Age-- 7
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lol pickel bunny. you should post some pics cuz u have to be fricken massive with shits like that....

I don't know no better...Mom aint raised me right.

You look good. You may wish to work on not sounding to arrogent because it takes away from the hard work that you put into your body.
Otherwise your pics are respectable and hard earned.

Nice width on back
Rear delts comin in nice
Need more depth in chest to balance symetry
Like you said -can't see legs real well but looks like you are workin em. Vastus lateralis rides high in the muscle bundle but its startin to come out.

On your way to a quality build out !
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I don't know no better...Mom aint raised me right.

You look good. You may wish to work on not sounding to arrogent because it takes away from the hard work that you put into your body.
Otherwise your pics are respectable and hard earned.

Nice width on back
Rear delts comin in nice
Need more depth in chest to balance symetry
Like you said -can't see legs real well but looks like you are workin em.

On your way to a quality build out !

really, i didn't think i sounded arrogant but must have. sorry about that. i just meant that i am not a pro bb, need to drop some bf and have never recieved any feedback on my body. after viewing quite a few pics on here i thought i would post a couple. once again sorry if i came off like a arrogant prick. it wasn't my intention. thank you for your feedback.
really, i didn't think i sounded arrogant but must have. sorry about that. i just meant that i am not a pro bb, need to drop some bf and have never recieved any feedback on my body. after viewing quite a few pics on here i thought i would post a couple. once again sorry if i came off like a arrogant prick. it wasn't my intention. thank you for your feedback.

Nice recovery brother!!!!!
You are well on your way. What are your goals: weight, BF, finished product?
i would like to be about 230- 240 and maintain 10-12% body fat. i have never been shreaded. i am sure it's my diet and cardio. i am actually about as lean as i get in the pics. one exception, right out of bootcamp many years ago. so, i would like to go that route. i play alot of softball and that type of body would be a little more practical.
work on dem wheels.

right, i was just looking at yours on that thread where dude going to wind up in jail for roid rage and was like, god damn son....good job on yours. i have some issues with certain exercises but train them on the regular. thanks for the advice.. your right...
right, i was just looking at yours on that thread where dude going to wind up in jail for roid rage and was like, god damn son....good job on yours. i have some issues with certain exercises but train them on the regular. thanks for the advice.. your right...

lol, thanks man.

thats 5+ solid years of squats and deads everyweek.

several years of 1-1.5 hours under the squat rack doing 225# or less with very high volume, statics, alot of focus on the eccentric portion of ROM and many tempo variations.

Your stacked upstairs, bring them legs up and you will be a monster.
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i would like to be about 230- 240 and maintain 10-12% body fat. i have never been shreaded. i am sure it's my diet and cardio. i am actually about as lean as i get in the pics. one exception, right out of bootcamp many years ago. so, i would like to go that route. i play alot of softball and that type of body would be a little more practical.

If you were to bring out your delts another inch front side and back that would noticibly change things visually.
With just a little more effort you could
create a quality physique that last well into your late 50s
thanks guys, i really appreciate the advice. i had stoped doing squats because once i got over 275 my knees would kill me. but hearing kristofer68 talk about high vol.at 225 i am going to be back under the rack tomorrow. and pb i agree, the delts need some size. thanks again, i don't have anyone to go to for this advice so it helps out a great deal...
I agree rocko, a picture is worth a thousand words here, the fact is it is hard to take someone serously that looks like you did when you were 11 1/2 and still playing with yourself 5 times a day.

The pictures look good man. Looks like some quality muscle. It does get a little harder when you get up around 40 I guess. I'm 34 now and its not like it was 12 years ago.
I agree rocko, a picture is worth a thousand words here, the fact is it is hard to take someone serously that looks like you did when you were 11 1/2 and still playing with yourself 5 times a day.

The pictures look good man. Looks like some quality muscle. It does get a little harder when you get up around 40 I guess. I'm 34 now and its not like it was 12 years ago.

you wouldn't know from the pics but i eat clean and rely on food not shakes. i do drink a post workout protein shake as i am finishing my workout and will occasionaly drink one in the middle of the night. yeah, it's a differant game at 40. that's why i love this site. the knowledge and insight you guys provide is invaluable.
thanks guys, i really appreciate the advice. i had stoped doing squats because once i got over 275 my knees would kill me. but hearing kristofer68 talk about high vol.at 225 i am going to be back under the rack tomorrow. and pb i agree, the delts need some size. thanks again, i don't have anyone to go to for this advice so it helps out a great deal...

not a problem, we all have weak areas.

i had ZERO legs before, so i overdid it i think, lol. My calves and forearms are next to take the beating. :worried:

Sounds like you may need to tweak your form/stance a bit if your knees are hurting.

My partner and I did 405 for 6 x 2 yesterday. My feet ache but my knees are golden.

To be totally honest, most of my quad, glute growth came from 135, 185 and 205 poundages. Less is more.

dont worry about what weight is on the bar, worry about what your legs are telling you.

I did tons of ATG, statics and slow eccentrics man.

Just have to get form down and beat the fuk out of them.

Alot of deadlifts help too. ;)
not a problem, we all have weak areas.

i had ZERO legs before, so i overdid it i think, lol. My calves and forearms are next to take the beating. :worried:

Sounds like you may need to tweak your form/stance a bit if your knees are hurting.

My partner and I did 405 for 6 x 2 yesterday. My feet ache but my knees are golden.

To be totally honest, most of my quad, glute growth came from 135, 185 and 205 poundages. Less is more.

dont worry about what weight is on the bar, worry about what your legs are telling you.

I did tons of ATG, statics and slow eccentrics man.

Just have to get form down and beat the fuk out of them.

Alot of deadlifts help too. ;)

wow, i have alot to learn. atg statics and slow eccentrics.. not even sure how to do these movements. i will research. the more i learn the more i realize how much i don't know. once again thank god for this sight. i feel sorry for those calves and foremans. thier about to get and don't even know it..lol....
wow, i have alot to learn. atg statics and slow eccentrics.. not even sure how to do these movements. i will research. the more i learn the more i realize how much i don't know. once again thank god for this sight. i feel sorry for those calves and foremans. thier about to get and don't even know it..lol....

atg... ass to the grass.......meaning, try to make your ass touch the ground when doing the squat.

statics- do the squat to parallel and hold it for a couple seconds and then blast up.... As you progress, the time under the the static hold will increase, then weight or reps. 135 at 10 second statics will f you up real quick.

eccentric- the "negative" of the lift. Basically, slowly squat down, the slower the better...... lol

tempo- time under tension

example 2/0/2

2 seconds on the eccentric, zero pause and 2 seconds on the concentric(positive).

in short, do fukloads of squats, then do more.
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A study I found awhile back-

University of Alabama at Birmingham did a study on 10 male and female subjects, who did 8 heavy sets of squats per workout. One workout they did concentric, the other eccentric only contractions. They measured the amounts of IGF-1, IGFBP-4, and Androgen receptors in the muscle. The negative rep stimulated IGF-1 and lowered levels of IGFBP-4(which binds to IGF-1 to make it inactive) better than the concentric. The positive rep increased androgen receptor density (making it more responsive to testosterone) than the negative. From this study, we can see that eccentric reps induce growth more by IGF-1 and the positive mainly from testosterone.

Another study was done at UC Irvine by Ken Baldwin and other scientists, to find the chemical reactions behind eccentric contractions. They also found that they had a significant increase in IGF-1 over positive reps, but also in increasing MGF(mechano growth factor) and the lowering of Myostatin(an important chemical that regulates muscle growth).
A study I found awhile back-

University of Alabama at Birmingham did a study on 10 male and female subjects, who did 8 heavy sets of squats per workout. One workout they did concentric, the other eccentric only contractions. They measured the amounts of IGF-1, IGFBP-4, and Androgen receptors in the muscle. The negative rep stimulated IGF-1 and lowered levels of IGFBP-4(which binds to IGF-1 to make it inactive) better than the concentric. The positive rep increased androgen receptor density (making it more responsive to testosterone) than the negative. From this study, we can see that eccentric reps induce growth more by IGF-1 and the positive mainly from testosterone.

Another study was done at UC Irvine by Ken Baldwin and other scientists, to find the chemical reactions behind eccentric contractions. They also found that they had a significant increase in IGF-1 over positive reps, but also in increasing MGF(mechano growth factor) and the lowering of Myostatin(an important chemical that regulates muscle growth).

bro i really appreciate your last two post. can't wait to apply them in my workouts. the info i recieve here is priceless.
it amazing the different shit guys do to make themselves grow. Although i disagree that weight doesn't matter, i would never argue with someones personal experience. I love low volume to grow and couldn't grow an inch with what Kristof uses. that is what i try to convey to all the young guys here. no cookie cutter plans in this game. except eating big, training hard, and resting like a bear. Those are the only constants.

Looking big rocko. Squats not only make your legs grow, they make everything else grow. So get under that rack.

Now fix that fucking hat in the first pic. You're 40, not 20 and on Jersey Shore. :D