want to guess my weight, sign,original hair color

it amazing the different shit guys do to make themselves grow. Although i disagree that weight doesn't matter, i would never argue with someones personal experience. I love low volume to grow and couldn't grow an inch with what Kristof uses. that is what i try to convey to all the young guys here. no cookie cutter plans in this game. except eating big, training hard, and resting like a bear. Those are the only constants.

Looking big rocko. Squats not only make your legs grow, they make everything else grow. So get under that rack.

Now fix that fucking hat in the first pic. You're 40, not 20 and on Jersey Shore. :D

Thank you.

I was actually going to mention that RJ.

Its all about shocking the body and finding what works for you on that particular bodypart.

Food and Rest!!!