Want to lose 80lbs! How???


New member
hello, used to workout about 8 years ago.Was in great shape. 205lbs.5'11'' 315 bench,405 deadlift, 465 squat. All naturally. acomplished this in 2 years. Lost my workout partner......never went back to the gym. NOW Im a mess.Body-fat ALL OVER,especially in love handels & stomache area.Very flabby.NOT HAPPY AT ALL. What I want to do is Lose all the fat & tone & tighten up! Tried fad diets & cardio,but not motovated. A friend just gave me a bottle of motovation. (winstrol V) Maybe this will help my energy levels which are 0 ? If I do light weight,lot of reps & cardio & eat only protien--will the winstroll KICK START & SPEEDEN UP THE WEIGHT LOSS PROCESS??
also...need syringes. NY you can buy over the counter...what are they called?What size are they? also...what dose & how often should I take it?

PLEASE someone HELP!!!!
Don't worry too much. Your body gets used to having a certain amount of calories when it is used to weighing a certain number of pounds. When you were 205 lbs you needed a lot of calories to maintain all of that muscle. Then when you stopped the exercise your body used the extra calories to store body fat. Body fat can be maintained easier than fat so overtime even a few extra calories will build up to a lot. Just start lifting again exactly as you did before and add a normal, healthy diet. You need to make yourself do it for several weeks, after that you will see the effects and that will be plenty of motivation. Your strength increasing every week at this point and if it isn't something is wrong with your workout - probably overtraining. Don't waste that winstrol V when you can have the same effects naturally.
ARE YOU TRYING OUT FOR THAT SHOW THE BIGGEST LOSER. You know the one that they get fat people to lose as much weight as possible.

Listen.......I just wanted to know if there was a way that I can speed up the weight loss process,either with medicine & or steroids.I want to lose this weight ASAP..My lifestyel is why I gained. 1st I work weird hrs. I Wake up 4 pm.Go to work by 7pm eat around 10pm.get home around 4Am.Eat......go to sleep to 4 pm again and repeat. I KNOW I MUST MAKE A SCHEDUAL OUT & change my eating habits.Instead of eating 2 big meals a day....Ill eat 5 small.Start out in the gym with a little cardio....add some light weight......all protein diet and take it from there. I almost considered a gastric bypass or lipo-suction to speed up the process. My energy levels are 0
dude, you're in a potential great situation given your work schedule. i once had a similar graveyard job - and i made huge gains. primarily because i COULD break up my meals into about 6/day, and because the gym is usually empty at the oddball hours that you'll be going! it was like having my own private golds gym.

read this board
make a committment to eating right
make a committment to working out HARD (to the brink of destruction)
and keep your mind off stupid shit.

good luck
no quick solution... everything takes time so just get off the computer and get your fatass and start working out and eating right.... EVERYONE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A MIRACLE.. UNBELIEVEABLE...

Thank-you for the feed-back--(kind & harsh) Need a kick in the ass! Well,filled my fridge with chicken breast,steaks & egg-whites.Joined gym by house.cardio-5 days a week 1/2 hr.--- weights- chest/tries Back/ bies OFF- Legs/shoulders REPEAT- abs daily. Does anyone need a workout partner in Hackensack NJ area????