Want to run an oral, advice please?


New member
So i've ran 2 cycles already, sust 500/week 10weeks and 13weeks of teste @750/week. im 174 9% @ 5'11. I want to run an oral that way people won't notice my gains as much, i want to be able to hide it while still putting on size. My family and friends could tell i was on teste because i had a face like a blowfish and water weight everywhere, if someone has made a thread on these or could give me some pointers it would be greatly appreciated.
So i've ran 2 cycles already, sust 500/week 10weeks and 13weeks of teste @750/week. im 174 9% @ 5'11. I want to run an oral that way people won't notice my gains as much, i want to be able to hide it while still putting on size. My family and friends could tell i was on teste because i had a face like a blowfish and water weight everywhere, if someone has made a thread on these or could give me some pointers it would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you weren't running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Nothing like a case of moonface to open your eyes. :p

LOL. I think that's going to be my answer from here on out when people want a recommendation for an oral only cycle. It's actually a good recommendation! haha
Sounds like you weren't running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Nothing like a case of moonface to open your eyes. :p

LOL. I think that's going to be my answer from here on out when people want a recommendation for an oral only cycle. It's actually a good recommendation! haha
I was running 50mg of chlomid every injection day.
I was running 50mg of chlomid every injection day.

Yeah, clomid isn't an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) friend. That just prevents the estrogen that's created from binding to your chest's estrogen receptors (SERM). You would want either arimidex/aromasin/letrozole to stop this conversion from happening. You should give the stickies in the AAS section a good read over, I think you'll find your next experience with AAS to be a positive one if you do it "right".

My .02c :)
shit, i might just do creatine and see how big i can get naturally, to much of a pain in the ass to do it the other way.
How old are you??

I have to hide shit from the wife cuz my temper flares and I'm a crazy mofo while on. She don't like it too much.

It's sounds like your way to young to be using this kinda stuff bro.