Wanting Moreeeee!!!


New member
Last time i was on this site was 2 years ago when i was 16, back then i wanted to take steroids........ now im 18 years old i weigh 96kg i been training for 3 years 4 days a week.
i dont know why people say 18 is to young to take steroids i think i am ready!! this last year i havent gained much size mostly maintained. i really want to break through this platu and go crazy.. look at arnold at 20 thats my aim even though it may not be achievable i would like to see my self in that size heading into my 20's and dont see that happening any time soon naturaly!!!!

i was thinking of taking for a first cycle 15mg a day of dianabol for 6 weeks short and simple..... any advise or advises as arnold says it would be great...
here are some pics of me last year at 17.. and one of me this year with alot more body fat and i just found one of me that i posted 2 years ago at 16.
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I would wait on the cycle. I honestly feel that you could gain a lot more naturally. As far as a Dbol only first cycle, that is a horrible idea. If you choose to run a cycle anyway, definitely go with a long ester testosterone like enan. or cyp. and run a real low dose.(250-400mg/wk) You should have pretty high testosterone at your age anyway. As far as the pics go, keep up the hard work. BTW, how tall are you??
Looking good. Congrats!

But I also think you could still grow natural. Also your bones at that age may still be growing.
At your age the endogenous test production is at its max. Take use of it. Taking roids will affect your endogenous production.
ok i understand the fact at my age that i have alot of natural test but at what age do these young wrestlers and bodybuilders hit the gear there only like 21 years old and are so huge like john cina that i doubt its all natural and i wona be at that level to!! my height is 5/10"

so what im asking is would it be that bad to start taking steroids now? and cycle wise riprockwell u rekon test is the way to go? i have everything set mentaly and physicaly to start take steroids all i need is a good cyle to start on. also whats wrong with taking dianabol?
Na parise Naposim 5mg terapia apou Rumania, afta exi pola edo sto ellada.
Ama telis pare Britishdragon, tou idio ine.

Theka pende kila ekana Gain to proti cycle.
exo ala thelo na paro kali pramata oxi skata. im coming greece in june ya 3months... so exi kala steroids in greece? pou menis esi athina?
steven#1 said:
ok i understand the fact at my age that i have alot of natural test but at what age do these young wrestlers and bodybuilders hit the gear there only like 21 years old and are so huge like john cina that i doubt its all natural and i wona be at that level to!! my height is 5/10"

so what im asking is would it be that bad to start taking steroids now? and cycle wise riprockwell u rekon test is the way to go? i have everything set mentaly and physicaly to start take steroids all i need is a good cyle to start on. also whats wrong with taking dianabol?

I would honestly wait especially at your age. WWE wrestlers have access to shit and take a lot of stuff year round. THey will be on it for a long time. Im not sure at your age, that you will make the right decision because I know you can gain a lot more naturally. Wait at least a couple of years and see what more you can do. If you are peaking, then change your training and diet until you get it right. Building muscle is trial and error. What works for some might not work for others. Also, Dbol for a first cycle is not a good choice. Oral only bulking cycles is useless and lots would agree. Test is the foundation. Test would put on good quality gains in the long run, that is, if you have all other training/nutrition aspects in check. But that is if you are going to not listen to me and start taking gear now. Just give it time man, your 18 yrs. old and you should be concentrating on other things right now. But if you choose to do a cycle, run Test E @ 300mg/wk for 10-12 wks and you will be a lot more satisfied with your results than just Dbol. Trust me!!
thanks man, i appreciate your feed back.... well im gona change some shit around and get back on track i been to side tracked by wanting to use steroids and just relying on its powers to change me....
MrDeca said:
Ive done a few.

30mg and 50mg for 6weeks, 30mg is good for a first.

I agree with what hes saying!!! im 17 years old and i did an 8 weeks course on dbol its all water though. I started at the same age as you 16 and i weighed a mear 120 pound 1 year on and im on the 175 pound mark 12stone 3! i have done a course of 6x 5mg tabs a day! split up to take 3 x a day! your pics look awsum how big are your biceps chest and back! keep going mate be good to here from you swap advice and stuff email me at mobileman220@yahoo.co.uk! cheers good luck
yer no worrys bro ill give ya an email during the week. that cycle of dbol is exactly what i would of done.. so u rekon it was a waist ay? my arms are small man havent grown much over the year stayed at 16" at peak.. im 95kg now its just to hard man to eat alot and train at the same time u just gain to much body fat.
Bro, you could gain a whole lot more naturally, you look tall if youre 96kg?
Anyways just keep at it for a little longer is what i´m trying to say.
In the end its youre choice bro.
I got big legs dats were i keep the weight...i aint that tall and yer its just that i want more gains and im hungry for it now!!!