water based juice???


New member
can any roid be made with water instead of oil, wanted to try some npp? any replies greatly appriciated, thanks.
Um, I suppose you could make suspensions out of just about anything. Most people only suspend no-ester roids in water. In fact, ive never really tried anything but TNE and Winstrol (winny). Bump to see if anyone has tried other longer ester gear.

May I ask why youd like stuff in water?
am planning on doing some cycles with prop and other short ester roids, am in the process or making Winstrol (winny), and liked the idea that I could use a much smaller needle if I'm going to shoot ed or eod. I'm not scared of needles, just thougt it would make it easier
oil based stuff normally flows better thru smaller pins than water base. try heating the solution before injects to make it push easier. anything smaller than 25g pins is gonna slow stuff down anyway.

but that being said i have never made esterfied gear in water for the simple fact that it is not water soluable normally. however i did talk to a guy who made T prop in water and said it did fine.

you can always try a small batch and see how it works out. if it dont work you only out a gram or so of powder.
thanks for info, I'v been using 23g needles 1', tried 25 with oil heated and it won't go through. it's icn test depo, there oil seems to be much thicker than others. wanted to try test base in water, can it be made like Winstrol (winny) with the peg80 and peg400, or do I need to add anything else? thanks
also is npp esterless, I thought it was?
kpc62 said:
thanks for info, I'v been using 23g needles 1', tried 25 with oil heated and it won't go through. it's icn test depo, there oil seems to be much thicker than others. wanted to try test base in water, can it be made like Winstrol (winny) with the peg80 and peg400, or do I need to add anything else? thanks
also is npp esterless, I thought it was?

NPP = nandrolone phenylpropionate
Nandolone = hormone
Phenylpropionate = the ester attached to the hormone

so, no, NPP is not esterless. Bases are esterless (test base, tren base, winny). Look for my water based suspension thread on this page.
if you heat enough peg400 will go thru a 25g pin no prob. put it on a hot plate or eye of an electric stove till the bottom portion of the bottle gets hot to the touch. takes about 30-60 secs. then draw and shoot. it will be nice and warm. dont get it too hot though or it will blow out the side of a plastic syringe.
if you heat enough peg400 will go thru a 25g pin no prob. put it on a hot plate or eye of an electric stove till the bottom portion of the bottle gets hot to the touch. takes about 30-60 secs. then draw and shoot. it will be nice and warm. dont get it too hot though or it will blow out the side of a plastic syringe.

i have shot some thick ass enan 500 with 25g pin no prob, may take 30 seconds to push it in. its actually better to push slow. this way less trama occurs at the inject site.