Water Cooler Talk - Mind Blown


New member
Was just talking with a bro-worker & he had asked me if I had a hook-up for some PCT.. I gave him my connect and we kept talking..

Come to find out he has been running prop and sometimes throwing tren/var for the last 3 years with no break. Just blast/cruise style.

I was dumbfounded as he told me he hasn't run a PCT or stopped for that period of time??

At that point arent you TRT? Is there any way to get your natural production going after this type of cycle length?
Recovery isn't likely, but it is possible. You guys are brave discussing AAS at work; I get asked all the time about it, and still deny everything. Never know who's listening, or if folks will use it against you in the future.
The funny thing about this is that if they decide to come off and avoid TRT, they'll lose a LOT of what they gained in that time. Having hypo or near hypo levels makes it real hard to maintain any decent muscle mass. Kind of makes the whole exercise moot.

I recently met a bloke exactly in this situation. 4 years down, never used hCG or an AI, nothing. Poor bloke.