watman filter breakdown


New member
my watman filters on my last couple of tren conversion seemed to have given out while filtering. it starts out with plenty of resistance then it seems to burst and then flows freely leaving the brew extremely cloudy. anyone else have this issue? or is it an issue at all? is the filter continuing to do its job even though it flows so easily?
from the whatman page.

Syringe use can result in high pressure. The smaller the syringe, the higher the pressure that can be generated. As a general guide, the following pressures can be obtained by hand with the syringes indicated:
• 20 mL-30 psi (2 bar) • 10 mL-50 psi (3.4 bar)
• 5 mL-75 psi (5.2 bar) • 3 mL-100 psi (6.9 bar)
• 1 mL-150 psi (10.3 bar)
Individual users should determine the pressure they generate by hand with a specific size syringe and take appropriate safety precautions not to exceed the recommended rating for the device used. If the limitations are exceeded, the device may burst.

if ur filtering using ur hand you shouldnt have a problem with bursting. maybe a faulty batch?
Filters are just tiny plastic pieces. You guys are so strong, it would be very easy to blow them out accidentally. The pressure you exert through the little filter and the speed that you apply the pressure both make a difference in how well your filter will work. Also, if you are filtering something with a lot of junk versus filtering out a 100% soluble alcar oral suspended in distilled water, you should have very little trouble and no blow out.
Different filter brands work differently. Each supplier probably offers a very basic PES 0.45 filter that fits nearly all applications. Some are better than others so some will probably blow out sooner..
We've got tiny 0.45 filters that seem to work well. No complaints yet. Also, a new vacuum driven filter to save your thumbs....