Weak erections and normal blood work 2 weeks after PCT

Gentlemen, I need your help!
To begin with- I've read a lot of similar posts on this forum, still I do not understand what is wrong with me.
My blood work is as follows, reference ranges provided by the lab:
LH-8.8 mME/l (1.7-8.6)
FSH-5.5 mME/l (1.5-12.4)
Prolactin- 6.44 ng/ml (4.04-15.2)
Estradiol-14.51 pg/ml (7.63-42.6)
Progesterone- 0,738 ng/ml (0.2-1.4)
Total testosterone- 27.37 nmol/l (8.69-29.0)
SHBG- 26.02 nmol/l (14.5-48.4)
Free T4 -1.38 ng/dl (0.93-1.7)
Free T3- 2.97 pg/ml (2.5-4.3)
In the summer 2012 I've done a 12 week cycle of TestE 500mg/wk and TrenE 400 mg/wk. After that I've performed post cycle therapy (pct). Done my bloodwork-results were similar. Libido was through the roof.
2,5 months later I've done a 7 week cycle of injectable Winstrol 50mg/day and Oral Turinabol 60mg/day, I also used ECA stack during that time. And my libido suddenly went to zero, I had no morning wood, erections were weak.
I've done a 1.5 months post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid, toremifene, DAA, Tribestan. The results are in my blood work.
But my libido is still at the bottom, morning erections are weak, I can lose erection during sex. What's wrong with me?
You need to check your cortisol by saliva. Most people get well with hydrocortisone due to adrenal fatigue. More energy, more libido, better erections. But please read a lot about it. Don't take DHEA with cortisol. SALIVA NOT BLOOD