week 2 of helladrol cycle progress report


Hey gang, just finished my second week of my 6 week helladrol cycle and here's the details

I weighed myself on Saturday 189.7lbs - which means another 4lb gain in week 2
My sex drive has increased
My strength is increasing (hard to train heavy due to a broken right hand that never healed properly)
However, did incline bench with 245 for 4 reps, /best since injury.
Appetite increasing as well
Desire to train harder has increased
Feeling fuller, thicker ( side note' was taking a shower with my fiancee on Saturday and she commented that I was looking thicker, and that my penis was looking thicker as well, thought t myself, penis tissue not muscle, is it possible?).
Overall sense of well being, not easily bothered or stressed.
Starting week 3 today and starting on 100mg of helladrol, can't wait to see what gains this will yield
I will keep you all posted, and will post some pics ASAP.
BTW no negative sides other that a rash that lasted 6 days. Hard to say if it was helladrol or any of the other supplements that I am taking.
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Nice work and keep posting results! Had my helladrol cycle ready to go but I caught a cold that's been going around here so it will have to wait :(
Nice work and keep posting results! Had my helladrol cycle ready to go but I caught a cold that's been going around here so it will have to wait :(
Yeah dude I feel your pain missed Tuesday last week cause I had a virus, but it only lasted for 2days. Couldn't wait to get back to the gym and kill it. Hope,you get well soon
Yeah dude I feel your pain missed Tuesday last week cause I had a virus, but it only lasted for 2days. Couldn't wait to get back to the gym and kill it. Hope,you get well soon

Kill it my bro and youll definatly get those results you want !
How'd your cycle finish up. I have a hella cycle I could run right now, curious how it went?

Im on day 13 of mine, will be posting up a log as soon as n2bm sends me hcgenerate. I have a journal in that section if you want to check it out though