week 3 anavar-oxandrolone what mg to cut up fast


New member
i've been taking anavar-oxandrolone prescription grade for 3 weeks now (bridging off my cycle) also taking 1000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) eod and 55mg clomid ed..

n-e-ways i started the first 2 week taking 50mg ed of anavar-oxandrolone all at once in the morning. Now week 3 i've been jumping between 100-80 mg cause i've been reading it's where the *MAGIC is at. i'm getting bigger and starting to see vascularity but i'm already big and muscular and want my 4pack to be a 6pack, want that anavar to burn fat/ vascularity. i have this hott lady flying in next week to see me and want my middle area gone fast. doing 45min cardo everyday also weight training ed. abs ed and eating super clean so my question...

what mg of anavar-oxandrolone should i stay at? 50mg, 60mg, 80mg or 100mg

now the best way taking it to burn fat.. lets say 60mg, should i take all at once or... 30mg breakfast/ then 30mg at lunch or...
20mg breakf/ 20mg lunch/ then 20mg for dinner?

also im taking it on an empty stomach and with grapefruit juice think it works better that way