week 5 of cycle and small balls


New member
ok well my nuts look like I'm 6 yrs old. Just ordered some hcg. It comes with sodium chloride, is it ok to use that or should i order bac water? Also they come in amps not a vial which I didn't know until I ordered. since amps are not resealable what should I do? I really want to jump start my nuts now and use for the rest of my cycle how should I do that? Would weekly injections of 500iu's 2x a week be enough to get some size back then drop to 250 2x a week?
You need a sterile vial.

You d be better off with some bac water fo sho..

Mix it however you want. I like to use 10 cc s for 5k iu s so it easy to load and see on syringe.

Insuline pin s via sub q will work just fine.

125-250iu s e 3 d..refridgerate. 30-45 day s life span.
another thing, so If i get a sterile vial do I mix the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the amp withdraw it with a needle and shoot it in the vial?
-Draw 1cc of bac water into a syringe

-Break the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ampule

-Leat the bac water from the syringe run along the inside of the bottle to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) powder (do not let it drip straight on)

-Swirl it slightly around in the open Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) bottle

-draw all into the syringe

-eject it into a new sealed bottle

-add 4cc or 9cc of bac water into the sealed bottle, wrap it up with aluminium paper and store in the fridge.