Week 5 updated pics..................

Also big tymer how can u not tell which compound u are putting in your body, tren is like a rusty colour and test is a yellow colour, unless u cant resd labels or just truly colour blind, I find it hsrd to mix one from the other
Maybe your lab bro 1ml=75mg, I know my shit is not underdosed, more like overdosed bro, there have been people here trying to run the same mg as thy did with another lab and either they wound up decreasing the dose or got bad sides
What is the point of 250MG of test per week? the body naturally produces that, i've seen results of even more in athletic males in early 20's. you're better off getting up to the 400-600MG mark if it's your first cycle I'm assuming it is by looking at ya, the increase in test will balance out the Tren. Usually 1CC of tren Acetate is 75MG. so either you are drawing extra or your running Ethante and not realizing it which will flood you with annoying sides. Not trying to hate, just educate. Keep it up and isymfs.

this post is retarded.
I'd love to see some bloodwork of someone naturally producing 250mg a week of test! That being said, I can guarantee you he's not getting those levels while on tren, Matt is running 250mg a week of test just to keep himself a normal functioning guy while using the tren for gains.

I've seen this several times, Here in canada we get our full blood work reports. doctors don't withhold shit... I've had 6 runs this year.
Also big tymer how can u not tell which compound u are putting in your body, tren is like a rusty colour and test is a yellow colour, unless u cant resd labels or just truly colour blind, I find it hsrd to mix one from the other
Maybe your lab bro 1ml=75mg, I know my shit is not underdosed, more like overdosed bro, there have been people here trying to run the same mg as thy did with another lab and either they wound up decreasing the dose or got bad sides

I have no idea what you're talking about. 1cc is 75 MG of Tren, dude said he ran 100MG a day.
My tren A is always 100mgs per ml my Tren e is 200.
What are you buying thats 75mgs?

I have a few kinds here right now. I wont post any pictures in public, You guys think i'm new. hah, don't know much about canadian AAS eh? I came on here to try to help you guys out, I've met quite a few people off here in person in my travels and always held this site in a high regard, But there seems to be alot of self proclaimed experts. If this is how it's going to be here i should just leave, i don't need the heat anyways.

I have ASAD, Proline and Newport here right now all in Tren Ace 75. In the past i've had some dirter gear, QV, Santaigo, Eclipse and Quest.

As far as Ethanate I have it 200 but it's not that popular around here. People like the 75 ED. Most Cats i work with like daily
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I have a few kinds here right now. I wont post any pictures in public, You guys think i'm new. hah, don't know much about canadian AAS eh? I came on here to try to help you guys out, I've met quite a few people off here in person in my travels and always held this site in a high regard, But there seems to be alot of self proclaimed experts. If this is how it's going to be here i should just leave, i don't need the heat anyways.

I have ASAD, Proline and Newport here right now all in Tren Ace 75. In the past i've had some dirter gear, QV, Santaigo, Eclipse and Quest.

I dont know anything about Canadian Tren, I know my UK stuff is better value per ml though.
I dont know anything about Canadian Tren, I know my UK stuff is better value per ml though.

I had ampules of sustanon and pimobolin sent over from the UK years back and it was some of the best stuff I've ran in my life i had a hard time parting with it like it was my secret stash or something. haha Lets not jack this guys thread anymore though, He's on here working hard I gave my advice and now i'm just going to follow.
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I've seen this several times, Here in canada we get our full blood work reports. doctors don't withhold shit... I've had 6 runs this year.

You get serum testosterone in your blood work...it won't tell you how many mg of test are in your blood. FYI, The average male makes 7-12mg/day of testosterone so the upper range is 84mg/wk NOT 250mg.
You get serum testosterone in your blood work...it won't tell you how many mg of test are in your blood. FYI, The average male makes 7-12mg/day of testosterone so the upper range is 84mg/wk NOT 250mg.

Once again, Who am i going to believe, an internet expert or my own test results.

How many spinal taps have you had in your research i'm at 6..

And im done replying to fools. No wonder there is a why does everyone hate on 'ology now thread. you joined this year and made all those posts, You're nothing but an internet expert. If i seen you in real life i'd never regonize you as anyone of importance from this site.
What is the point of 250MG of test per week? the body naturally produces that, i've seen results of even more in athletic males in early 20's. you're better off getting up to the 400-600MG mark if it's your first cycle I'm assuming it is by looking at ya, the increase in test will balance out the Tren. Usually 1CC of tren Acetate is 75MG. so either you are drawing extra or your running Ethante and not realizing it which will flood you with annoying sides. Not trying to hate, just educate. Keep it up and isymfs.
FYI, that was the retarded part of your post for me.
I take 250mgs of test E and blow up like a balloon, its a world away from taking nothing.
Once again, Who am i going to believe, an internet expert or my own test results.

How many spinal taps have you had in your research i'm at 6..

And im done replying to fools. No wonder there is a why does everyone hate on 'ology now thread. you joined this year and made all those posts, You're nothing but an internet expert. If i seen you in real life i'd never regonize you as anyone of importance from this site.

You believe what you want. Obviously you're stupid enough to believe anything at this point. You don't have to believe me but you could believe William Llewellyn and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism:

***8220;Increased testosterone production will also cause growth promoting or ***8220;anabolic***8221; changes in the body, including an enhanced rate of protein synthesis (leading to muscle accumulation). Testosterone is the reason males carry more muscle mass than women, as the two sexes have vastly contrasting amounts of this hormone. More specifically, the adult male body will manufacture between 5.5 and 12mg per day1 while females only produce about 1/4mg.***8221;

Excerpt From: Llewellyn, William. ***8220;Anabolics.***8221; iBooks.

Obviously your time from 2003 till now hasn't taught you much, an "internet expert" knows more than you :)
FYI, that was the retarded part of your post for me.
I take 250mgs of test E and blow up like a balloon, its a world away from taking nothing.

Wait for it.....wait for it....how many spinal taps have you had? He's had 6 so he obviously knows more than you :)
I have no idea what you're talking about. 1cc is 75 MG of Tren, dude said he ran 100MG a day.





Can the internet expert who's been here since 2003 explain these to anyone?