Weighing my options...local trt clinic with insurance or IMT without


New member
28 yrs old test came back at 347ng/dl a couple weeks ago. I Went to a local TRT clinic that my friend goes to and I found out that I would be covered by insurance. My cost would be $25 a week. I would need to go to the clinic every 7 days for the injection which is a little inconvenient if Im going to do this the rest of my life. I also don't know about there HCG protocol..which is to wait 12 week before starting you on it, then perpetually doing 8 weeks on, 8 weeks off. They also give arimidex, and from what I hear do regular bloodwork.

IMT from what im reading sounds like they have a better philosophy with things like 2x week injections and aiming for a 800-1000 t level from what I gather. It seems like a lot more freedom too with the self injections and all I havent called them yet, but I get the vibe from reading around that no insurance covers them and that it is probably somewhere around $xxx a month? Is this accurate?

One more question? What if down the road I want to blast and cruise...using test from another source. Would I be able to make this work with the clinic or would they flip out and drop me or something?
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Not being able to pin yourself is a horrible idea. Look for a new doc.

You haven't even started yet. Worry about getting on TRT and getting dialed in. You can then contemplate a blast.
I can tell you from my experience that IMT is the quickest and most effective way to begin TRT. Add in the freedom to do home injections, a full set of meds including test, hcg and anastrozole, and in depth knowledge of protocols sure to get you straightened out and it was a no brainer. Honestly, $25 a week through your local clinic is not that significant of a savings and insurance can always change. Plus it'll be on your record for life while going with IMT retains your confidentiality from your insurance company.
If you can afford it I would go with IMT, I go to a TRT Clinic now and am in the process of switching to a new doctor, sadly I can not afford IMT's price tag or else I would be using them. The clinics seem great in the beginning but as others have already mentioned, not being able to pinn yourself is a BIG deal, going in every week is a hugh inconvience to say the least.
I didnt even read the post and just going on the title.

Common sense here brother.

Why the hell wouldnt you use insurance? Sure I've know the main man at IMT before there was a IMT but why wouldnt you just save money? I use my insurance and pay a $10 co pay every 10 weeks for TRT.

Its a NO BRAINER bro.
Shit, just skimmed through your post op.

Just go to your family doctor. 25 dollars a week is bullshit too. If your family doc isnt open to the idea find another. Fucking robbery. A motherfucker needs to live.
I can personally vouch for IMT. Costs some money but the results are great, you get to do your own injections, and they are available all the time over the phone.
Well I called IMT but had to leave my name and number yesterday as they were busy...so still waiting to talk to them. The 347 reading was at my normal doc who said i was just normal..Actually a tech at his office called and told me everything was normal. I just know his attitude towards things and he isnt worth talking to. The Men's vitality clinic I went to thursday called me yesterday with the results of their test. (I wanted a more thorough test) 217 ng/dl!!! this time. I work 24 hr shifts as an EMT and hadn't slept the night before the test. I suspect 5 years of being and EMT and the sleep deprivation and sleep pattern disturbances are a big factor in my low test.
I also happened to notice it seemed like A LOT of firefighters and cops at the clinic.. I am trying to get hired as a FF and just feel a bit akward running into guys that might recognize me..I mean they are going through it too but seems like most of them are 40 or so. I'm 28.
Hey BBBJames..If you or someone else wouldn't mind sending me a PM about IMT and what your pay I'd appreciate it... I still want to talk to them but I figure since it is the weekend it probably won't be till Monday.
Well I called IMT but had to leave my name and number yesterday as they were busy...so still waiting to talk to them. The 347 reading was at my normal doc who said i was just normal..Actually a tech at his office called and told me everything was normal. I just know his attitude towards things and he isnt worth talking to. The Men's vitality clinic I went to thursday called me yesterday with the results of their test. (I wanted a more thorough test) 217 ng/dl!!! this time. I work 24 hr shifts as an EMT and hadn't slept the night before the test. I suspect 5 years of being and EMT and the sleep deprivation and sleep pattern disturbances are a big factor in my low test.

Have you had a sleep study done recently?
IMT will give you much more freedom... but cannot compete with copays from insurance...

talk to your clinic about self administration.. at some point they should let you inject yourself
No, I'm sure I would learn some interesting things. How do you go about having a sleep study done?

Just tell your doc you are not sleeping well and you have been told you snore. They will get you set up. Or call a place directly that does Sleep Studies. There are a lot of them out there.
It is best to get a referral from your GP for the sleep study, most insurance companies will cover more of the costs involved when there has been a referral.