Weight gain off cycle??


New member
I need help with this everyone. Okay so I can go from 190 to 210 on cycle no problem and when I stop my weight can go down to 200. I eat more than I did while I am off and literally cant get back to 210. Can anyone explain this to me or give me some tips?!?!
One thing you need to remember as that many of these compounds causes increased water retention as well as increased glycogen storage.
One thing you need to remember as that many of these compounds causes increased water retention as well as increased glycogen storage.

^ This. You need to focus more on decreases in strength or mass, rather than weight. A scale tells you nothing about your lean mass/fat %/water retention.
I'm constantly bulking and in between my 1st and second cycle i gained about 4 pounds. This was after all the water retention was gone and i stopped losing weight from finishing the cycle. The time in between was 10wks.
alright u always gota rember with more mass u need more protten and calories to mantain a weight. smaleer needs less biger needs more. up ur eating and u will retain more weight. but u also gota rember most of ur gainns u will keep stay in between 60% to 80 %
you have to keep up your cals and workouts just as you did when you were on, you are trying to support more mass now so your maintenance cals should be higher than before also. I would recommend some basic supplements in between as well, something like Gear and Bridge from NTBM are two that I find perfect for the downtime in between cycles. Keep hitting the gym hard and maybe change up your routine to stimulate new growth as well.
That is my question as well, are you doing a proper post cycle therapy after yur prohormone/DS cycle. That right there can make a huge difference. Calories are very important to. When I was bulking to make the 198 class, I pretty much ate whatever I could get my hands on, fugure of speech. But seriously, evern though I did not eat junkfood per se, I still ate a lot of pasta, chicken, steaks, babed potatoes, and high calorie weightgainer shakes. It all depends what your goals are. Gaining mass while still being lean is harder then bulking up. Anyone can really bulk up but you will gain fat as well if you dont do it the right way. For me, that never really mattered much, becuase as a powerlifter I never really had to be to concerned about gaining some fat, more concerend about strength.