weight training vs cardio

Chicago Made

New member
Do you guys think cardio is absolutely neccesary to shed some lb's or shouldnt diet and weight training be enough?
Diet and training will shed bf. I don't do excessive cardio, but like to do it 2x a week if for no other reason than working up a good sweat and burning off some stress.
cardio is going to be best for systematic fatloss....whole body fatloss. cardio will burn more fat than lifting...but a mix of both will be best.
Keep your diet in check and lift hard. It's all I need.

Cardio can impact your gains. And, for me, it's not even remotely interesting.

agree with all, i think excessive cardio flattens you out, and can take away from your muscle gains. If you are very disciplined with your diet and know your body, than you can lose alot of weight without cardio....however, i do think a bit of cardio can help speed up the process and help get rid of the most stubborn fat.

I have to say i find it funny watching all the people in the gym on the treadmill or elliptical working tirelessly for over an hour. Although i admire the dedication, I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them have awful diets and no understanding of discipline in the kitchen, which is a shame because diet is much more efficient in acheiving weight loss than cardio imo.

Once again though, it also must be stated that doing cardio occassionaly is important no matter what, especially if you are on cycle. you want to keep your heart and cardiovascular system healthy.
IMO cardio is a must regardless of cutting or bulking. the only difference for me is the amount of cardio i will be doing and my diet. right now im cutting so im doing more cardio than i would normally.

cutting i do cardio 4-5 times a week. bulking or maintain i do 1-2 times a week.
IMO cardio is a must regardless of cutting or bulking. the only difference for me is the amount of cardio i will be doing and my diet. right now im cutting so im doing more cardio than i would normally.

cutting i do cardio 4-5 times a week. bulking or maintain i do 1-2 times a week.

Cardio is a must. I get slow but steady fat loss doing 15 minutes right after I finish weight training. I keep my HR at 120-140 BPM. It is no problem if you start cutting slowly from about 3 months out.
Yes no doubt cardio is best exercise for losing weight.Running,swimming and cycling are very effective cardio exercises.They burn fats very quickly and give shape to body.These are so effective for health and fitness.My favorite cardio is running.
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You don't need ANY cardio to lose fat.
The only reason to do it is for health in my op.
DIET and life style along with your body make up will decide fatloss.

I rec heavy lifting because the more muscle you have the better for fatloss and buring calories . (most of your calories burned daily are just from BEING)
Working out really does not raise it much. you can go run for 1 hr.... or eat 2 cookies... if you get my point.

I would rec neeed2slin with what ever you decide, I found it to help me out in sping, and evne bulking.

having said all that i rec lift heavy 2-3 day a wek and cardio atleast 1-2 times a week. DIET is the rest, along with supps.

Here is a copy/past of some one who just asked something like this:

Hello and WELCOME!!
Keep in mind Cardio and trainig IS important for health, but effect in fatloss are minimal.
Diet and sups should take up 90% of your focus.
Do cardio 2-5days a week for health but what I rec the most is heavy lifting to try and build mass while you eat healthy.
the more muscle you have the better for fatloss and ease of fatloss.

high protein/ med-high fat/med carbs is how you want to adjust your diet. (but why not low fat?) well its a gimmick.
if you eat fat you don't get fat, like it doesnt just go join your other fat cells. if anything eating lots of healthy fats and protein would be MUCH MUCH better then eadint high protein mde-high carb/sugar and low fat. *TRUST ME I KNOW THIS STUFF*

So dont fall into the BS of "fat free" on the package.
most times it just means more sugar or fake sweetners (will make you want more = bad).
now I am not saying dont wach fat, sure you have to wach it because fat is high in cals so of course if you eat alot of fat and have way too many total calories, then of course you will get fat.

Fill up on LOTS of veggies with some fat (help keep you full longer too)

eg: steemed veggies and checken breast before eatign the veggies drizzil a little olive oil and add cracked black pepper. if its a bigge rmeal maybe add a potato.

anyway good luck man!
Feel free to pm me if you have questions or something, but I warn you I do not eat meat or fish so my diet might not be what you are lookign for (though I would sure be happy to turn you veggie if you want ;-) )

Anyway good luck and keep up the will power!
Its nice to see someone give a shit about there heath from time to time!

PS, I HIGHLY rec grabbing Protein powder and add in 3-5 scoops a day (maybe inbetween meals or with them to add to the amount of protein)
also need2slin is a nice product I like (remember these only help though) link: Need2Slin - the worlds first test boosting nutrient repartitioner!

Take care

Were can i pick me up some of the need2slinsupp. And would it be as effective as winstrol because right now imdoing test 250 with winstrol so would it benifit me any? An not trying to hijack, i will start anthor thread if need be
Is lifting and diet enough? yes. But why settle for enough? Everytime I'm cutting I want to get rid of 2+ pounds of fat every week so I don't have to be in a calorie deficit any longer.
Step 1 is always a good clean diet - low calories, good protein and fats, low carbs. That's 80% of the work done.
Lifting will help you maintain muscle while your losing fat, but in terms of burning the calories, its not close to cardio. My 45 min run burns 500+ calories, that is a huge amount.
So do you need cardio to burn fat? no. Do you need it to get maximum results in the shortest time? yes.