Well they finally did it. They cloned Arnold Schwarzenegger! Calum Von Moger

Offseason 6'2" 230
Contest. 6'2" 215

Austrian just like Arnie. Only 22 years old. Refreshing to see someone with the class look.
I prefer the classic look as well. He probably started cycling as a teen as well. Gotta have the hook ups to do something like that. Seems to have workout well for him. He probably has to blast/cruise now though. Especially to maintain that size.
Guy looks like he's having fun. Good for him, seems he's always smiling. Some guys look like they hate their bodybuilding lifestyle.
Guy looks like he's having fun. Good for him, seems he's always smiling. Some guys look like they hate their bodybuilding lifestyle.

Yep and they make it seem like a chore! He looks like he is fully cunctional and pretty athletic too. A lot of the guys nowadays are just so big they can't really move around or do anything but lift.
Offseason 6'2" 230
Contest. 6'2" 215

Beyond the fact that he looks like 1000 times better than the average contemporary BBer, I feel that this "classic" look also make him look twice as heavier as he is in reality...I'm 6.2 myself and went up a lean 230 but I still looked like a total midget compared to this guy.
I hate to say this but I also wonder what he is using? That body type can be deceiving because he holds a lot of muscle but it is spread out on a large frame. So he in reality is a lot more muscular than he looks. I wonder if that translates into him having to use more gear to get bigger. It's so trippy to see some of these guy's physiques when they are lean like that. Because he almost looks like he has no side effects from gear what so ever. He isn't even puffy at all. I don't know if he is capable of competing in the top ten class of best bodybuilders ever though because of how tall he is.

I like that look a lot. But I personally will always be way more amazed by the dorian yates and Ronnie coleman style physique. Honestly though that might not even be a fair comparison considering those are the two most physically advanced human beings to ever step on a stage for bodybuilding in history damn near. Bottom line this guy in the video obviously has amazing genetics and determination. I still can't help but wonder how much gear he uses. I know every one responds differently and some need more and some need less. And that doesn't really determine who is genetically superior. It is still all about muscle insertion and bone structure. Drug tolerance to the side effects is more of a lucky addition to the mix some guys have.
10-11% is very easy to maintain natural. Definitely cruises some anabolics to maintain that mass. As for thermogenics, probably not but who knows.

I think everyone and their mom can agree they like the classic look better. :D It takes a special kind of person to appreciate the mass monster we see on stage these days :) :) :)

He's got great skeletal genetics and i'll bet his body responds very very well to AAS, maybe he gets by on lower doses. Sensitive receptors? He looks pretty damn healthy, and happy to boot. I'm happy for the guy.
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