Charles Bronson
old timey gentleman
Yeah man I am still fucking with this hard ass sport. 6 months into it and still dropping my left after a hook about 50% of the time, which is an improvement i guess from dropping it 100% of the time. It's not so bad in sparring because i know there's an imminent repercussion that comes from me dropping my left so I'm more aware of it in the ring but get lazy on the bag. I've also noticed in sparring that if i give somebody a couple good lead crosses in the first few seconds despite having their guard up that fucks with them mentally and they are lot less likely to let their hands go because they no what i'm capable of. I am assuming this only works for beginners and that more experienced fighters would see right through that quasi intimidation strategy or maybe not? I bought a heavy bag for an Xmas gift to myself so I can work on building my shoulder endurance. Right now I am convinced I have one of the fastest jabs in the city for a novice heavyweight but the problem is my shoulder conks out after shooting that fucking jab for more than 2 rounds. Any thoughts on building my shoulder endurance CB
and for the record..
dirk here at 218 lbs would beat the fucking stuffing out of the most aesthetic and beautiful fucking body builder on these boards.
not a dig, not an insult.. just a fucking fact.
im training with the weights now and getting to a place where my body is looking better and better to me.. but honestly? the conditioned and non aesthetic me would beat the snot out of the man i am now, even though i enjoy weight training and how my body responds to it , how my body is beginning to look
there just isn't any comparison as far as martial /functional strength vs someone who is dieting down to less than 10% body fat and looks like a fitness model.
some boxer that most guys would ask " do you even lift?" will manhandle and toy with those fitness models, like a grown man with a child. tis a fact.
that being said, have enjoyed breaking away form training for combat sports, and really excited about my upcoming bulk - imma get THICK!!!
for your endurance in keeping your hands up and throwing everything down the pipeline/ bringing it back in on the pipeline... man do your road for with your hands pinned to your head.. put the ear muffs on while you run, flicking your jab and cross out nice and relaxed while you run. ill jog a few paces - snap a jab out, few paces more flick out a 1-2.. then a cross
mix it up, just keep your hands high and keep flicking those shots out while you lay down a nice steady pace with a wolf trot
then grab some pink dumbbells.. 1/2 lb to start, then flip those shots out and back hands high the whole time. get to where you're using 1 and then 2 lb fumbles to knock off a 20 minute jog where you're steadily throwing those hands out and back on a line without dropping your shots when you bring them back in - and trust me you'll have all the conditioning you need to stay busy when you box
as far as dropping your hands in sparring - man you have to put your technique under a microscope with pad work. your coach has to correct you and keep you in perfect form while working pads. form and timing on the pads is really what you need the most brother, then you'll have good form without thinking about it in the ring..
as far as making those mistakes that people can capitalize on.. train to fire back with hard shots and answer all the fundamental counter punches that you'll be inviting with the mistakes you tend to make.
then when you catch yourself doing that shit - do it a couple more times on purpose with an eye to drawing that specific counter from your opponent. then make him miss and make him pay when he tries to answer your " mistake" with the appropriate response.
in other words, i study my mistakes, and i get good at punishing people who try to capitalize on them. i make something thats ugly or sloppy and i know it - then ill do it again on purpose so he sees it.. then give him oks at it a couple more times until i know he's going to try and hammer me on it..
when he makes his move, i step on his ass hard.. they tend to not try that shit again, you hammer a guy really hard for trying to snake you when you drop your left - he realizes that committing to that counter against you is a dangerous pro********** you'll get tired, you'll make those mistakes again.. the problem he has now tho is he can't tell if you're making a fundamental mistake , or playing head games with him to set him up for a good fucking spanking.
that make sense? understood what I'm telling you bro?
and no, solid fundamentals work well with beginners or veterans.. its how they respond that makes the difference.
i like pounding on peoples guards to let them know I'm dangerous. it absolutely makes them more cautious, makes them hesitant t commit to things with a lot of horsepower - because they knw the penalty for failure could be really fucking severe.
hard hitters can pound on your arms and delts and affect your punching power that way, when your fresh and a guy isn't giving you much to shoot at - by all means just beat on him anywhere you can hit him.
i like throwing shots to the middle of the chest, its usually fairly open, you can move someone back by pounding them there making it relatively safe once you have tim moving backwards.. AND - sometimes out of relfe they'll drop their hands to parry and guard against that shit, suddenly you can bring that shot up and start firing it at their jaw.. ill throw my leads low on people, purposely, just to bring their hands down.. or throw my shots high, like into there forehead - just to move their hands from where they are used tp and comfortable with carrying them..
a good boxer presents the old catch 22. damned if you do - damned if you don't. if you can toy with people who have good solid skills - you can anticipate their response and then turn anything they do on its head and fuck them up.. thats a fighter who can work his art into his late thirties and maybe even his forties
i like drawing the 100% correct response from people - and then playing head games with no matter what you do and how perfect you do it - I'm taking you somewhere that anything you come back with is going to just set up my next move.
hope this helps man, anything i can share with you just ask brother..