Went to doctor found out i have Low Test levels after cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) ?? what now ??


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Went to doctor found out i have Low Test levels after cycle and pct ?? what now ??

im 20 years old and did a 7 week cycle of test e and Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct)

the reason i did a short cycle was because i had a suprise vacation pop up out of the country

i weighed 202 natural before juicing and now weigh 190 after cycle

I got to 218 on the cycle

im 5 ft 10

what do i do know guys,doctor says it will take months before i can start gaining weight again

ive still been going up in weight in the gym,but now no results

I like the steriod look,i didnt get in this game to look like a lean fitness model
Well, part of your problem was only using nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct). u need to get your hands on some clomid and hcg. But yes way too short on cycle but the biggest issue I see is you're way too young to be touching aas.
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ya bro, get some hcg, clomid and nolva do a solid PCT and stay off AAS for a few years. take advantage of your natty levels while u can
Sounds like to me that your PCT was flawed from the beginning. The best thing you can do is get yourself the proper a ancillaries and start your PCT over again. Then, check levels again. No reason to be doing gear at 20. Fuck im doing gear just to be were you are right now....
Hopefully you didnt mess yourself up before you even finished unfurling into a a grown up man. Get clomid.
Clomid as mentioned. Daa which is an amino based t booster is a pretty good supplement

Your going to need all the help you can get
dude now that u already fucked up ur hormones theres no reason to stop cycling lol... just do things properly... by the time i realized i started AAS too early it was too late so i just kept going and my hormones are fine, its all about luck i guess but relax because u will heal overtime
good luck and get some clomid like the guys above said, it really does fucking work... can double ur test lvls or even more... just take like 50 mg/day for like a month then get tested
He's asking for help, not a lecture. As mentioned before, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid....there's a good post cycle therapy (pct) thread on this site. Y did you lose all weight you had even before cycle? Low test maybe, but without numbers can only speculate
What was your BF% ? Doesn't make sense that you lost weight...even if your cycle was muffed up. Also regarding your post cycle therapy (pct), you asked and we answered. Nolva is an option but not the best one. Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG. That's a proper post cycle therapy (pct) mi amigo. Shell out the extra $$ and get your levels normal again so that your body can start repairing itself.
I had huge traps and shoulders and a thick back,but it has decreased now after the cycle,and I had those before the cycle,people would always tell my traps are huge etc and i looked like a linebacker,now i look more like a fitness model