what can 30 ml of winstrol and large protein shakes do for me?


I am banned!
Hi im about to start my first cycle of winstrol.... I only have 30 amps I weight 365lbs and im 6f & 3inch..... Im pretty stocky I have belly fat and bi*ch tits....im a strong guy my chess,arms,legs or solid muscle wit sum little fat...my question is what results should I exspect from 30amps of winstrol and large protein shakes?.........will I get cut?.......any info will do......thanks.
More than likely u wouldn't notice much. U should be lean already to get the most out of Winstrol (winny). No steroid will make u lose weight. If that's what ur going for, it would be much easier to learn about diet and nutrition. If u do it right, u wont be starving, u can eat good food, and u will hold onto ur muscle.
Welcome, please do your research first we have alot of stickys around here,winnie is not going to get you cut its a mild anabolic,you should get your diet checked start with cardio and start with a good base like test C or E,.check our diet forum and get your macros with 3J a diet specialist,.how old are ya???
you will feel stronger but it wont last. as soon as the tendons dry out you will have more pain then you can handle. also if you like to wack off or screw you wont be able to do that either cause with lack of test in your body you dick wont work right if at all.

you need to lean out alot and the use test along with Winstrol (winny). the wrong protien shakes will make you fatter and wont do a whole hell of alot for you.
I play college football....I really just have belly fat....im no exspecting a real cut look....I work out five times a week I just want to get a little shape on my upper body....and a 30ml 50mg a day can't do that........winstrol sucks!:mad:

I don't want to take any other type of bulk steroids cuz im already big and I don't want b**** hits....I just want to have a normal chest.......wut if I stack with clen?......any help will do....
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you need test. it will shut you down and thats one thing you dont want to feel. specialy playing ball. you become weak with out test.
i've heard peopel run Winstrol (winny) alone and get good results but you play ball this may hurt you more then its worth. your prone to injury while running Winstrol (winny). run a ECA stack and hit the weights and do cardio that all you need right now. and not fast foods or beer.
Ok thanks......im still going to take this winstrol 50mg a day for thirty days......thanks for the help but I gotta see for my self...ill post before in after pics.......one of my friends used winstrol.for 5 weeks and got pretty cut and lost 40lbs on his bench press....he ran powerfull by usb labs and got even stronger...
Your fucking retarded then...

This is a stupid cycle, the Winstrol (winny) is going to shut down your natural testosterone production, ur balls are gonna shrivel, joints are gonna be dry and painfull especially at your weight...

Test isn't a "bulking steroid", your diet determines the results not the juice...

Go ahead and jump on though and be a moron and not listen to anyones advice, hurt your body, I assume no pct either? Have fun with a lack of test and high estro, u trying to become a tranny or give yourself an edge at your sport?

Since your gonna run the cycle like an idiot anyway, post a log so we an all watch and laugh and the newbs all wanting to do a Winstrol (winny) only cycle can find your log after failing and wish they'd read your sad experience before hand

Have fun!
Your fucking retarded then...

This is a stupid cycle, the Winstrol (winny) is going to shut down your natural testosterone production, ur balls are gonna shrivel, joints are gonna be dry and painfull especially at your weight...

Test isn't a "bulking steroid", your diet determines the results not the juice...

Go ahead and jump on though and be a moron and not listen to anyones advice, hurt your body, I assume no post cycle therapy (pct) either? Have fun with a lack of test and high estro, u trying to become a tranny or give yourself an edge at your sport?

Since your gonna run the cycle like an idiot anyway, post a log so we an all watch and laugh and the newbs all wanting to do a Winstrol (winny) only cycle can find your log after failing and wish they'd read your sad experience before hand

Have fun!


omfg you fat dumb redneck throw that bullshit in the garbage and stop lifting iron. start by walking every day, progress slowly until your ass can fit out your front door, then walk your ass to the gym, and still dont touch weights. hit the treadmill and hit it HARD till you weight anywhere close to not MASSIVLEY OBESE.

but while ur on that route IMO stick around theres a bunch of good guys on here with alot of GREAT info so on ur next 2 year journey learn as much as you posibly can, and change ur life.