What can I expect from this recomp blast?


I am banned!
I'm currently on a test/deca bulk, but my next blast is most likely going to be my first run with tren and mast.

I was thinking of doing 50mg of each ED. Would this be a sufficient dose to get some really nice effects? People usually run tren at like 550mg+ a week.

At 50mg ED, am I going to get way stronger even though I'm eating at a 300 calorie defecit? Will I lose plenty of fat, too? Or should I run closer to 550mg a week for those effects?

Oh yeah and of course 150 test-U every 7 days. I do that year-round.
my next blast is most likely going to be my first run with tren and mast.

I was thinking of doing 50mg of each ED.

Oh yeah and of course 150 test-U every 7 days. I do that year-round.

just to clarify, your plan is-

350 mg a week of masteron
350 mg a week of tren
150 mg a week of test

running it during a cut, correct ? what esters of mast and tren ? how long ?
It's all in a proper diet brother. No problem 50/50 tren and mast. Imo mast isn't as effective as tren, but sides are easier to deal with. I don't expect much in the way of strength gains on a cut. You don't want to lose much strength, but this cycle is to cut up. Weider said "you have to get weaker to look stronger". THats a contest prep though. You shouldn't lose much strength.
just to clarify, your plan is-

350 mg a week of masteron
350 mg a week of tren
150 mg a week of test

running it during a cut, correct ? what esters of mast and tren ? how long ?


And what that diet looking like? That will determine everything. Anything fancy like carb cycling or keto? Or straight up 50/30/20 etc etc with calorie decrease? I ran your cycle but at higher dosages on keto. I have my results posted up it went well
just to clarify, your plan is-

350 mg a week of masteron
350 mg a week of tren
150 mg a week of test

running it during a cut, correct ? what esters of mast and tren ? how long ?

If I'm pinning ED then clearly it'd be acetate and prop. Length would be 8-12 weeks depending on how my bloodwork is looking.


And what that diet looking like? That will determine everything. Anything fancy like carb cycling or keto? Or straight up 50/30/20 etc etc with calorie decrease? I ran your cycle but at higher dosages on keto. I have my results posted up it went well

Keto is a pain in the ass. I was just going to do a caloric defecit with the protein on the higher end. I was under the impression that tren is so amazing that you can actually gain strength, even on a cut.
If I'm pinning ED then clearly it'd be acetate and prop. Length would be 8-12 weeks depending on how my bloodwork is looking.

Keto is a pain in the ass. I was just going to do a caloric defecit with the protein on the higher end. I was under the impression that tren is so amazing that you can actually gain strength, even on a cut.

This is correct to an extent. Strength also has to do with diet/nutrients/CNS/rest etc etc. I KEPT my strength during a 500 cal + deficit on Tren. I ate no carbs. Carbs help with strength so I'm guessing you can gain a bit of strength, but you won't get WAY stronger, it's best to keep it realistic. Your strength will remain yes I can assure you on that but some days you will be stronger than others depending on factors other than the gear. Just go for it, you won't be disappointed with results
This is correct to an extent. Strength also has to do with diet/nutrients/CNS/rest etc etc. I KEPT my strength during a 500 cal + deficit on Tren. I ate no carbs. Carbs help with strength so I'm guessing you can gain a bit of strength, but you won't get WAY stronger, it's best to keep it realistic. Your strength will remain yes I can assure you on that but some days you will be stronger than others depending on factors other than the gear. Just go for it, you won't be disappointed with results

Then what is the advantage of Tren? All it sounds like it's doing is prevent catabolism, which regular test/mast could do. I'm sure I'll find out.
Tren has also nutrient partitioning capabilities (feed efficiency). Also it's 5x stronger than test and help you remain dry. Now imagine what 5x the dose of that test you wanna pin would look like... With added feed efficiency and dryness...