what could have been in this shit?


picked up some masteron recently from a buddy, and all of the stuff was always good until i picked up this "masteron"

it was masteron prop, i was doing 100mg EOD (on top of 250mg test cyp a week) and felt super horny especially after pinning. it felt like masteron for sure and i got all the effects of masteron, i was looking harder and dryer, more vascular, stronger.

but then i suddenly had no sex drive.

long story short, i ended up getting bloods. e2 was good but test was at 1950 and progesterone was at >5 nmol/L

dropped the stuff, picked up some dostinex, and about a week later my progesterone was still at 5.04

so something was definitely not right with this stuff, or maybe it was the test i was on? i just remember it being impossible to get my e2 under control with this test

but what could this stuff possibly have been?
could have been tren a . but i think your prob experienced enough to tell the difference , could of been a batch of gear where the guy got crap raws being the result of adulterated products (usually underground products)
How long have you been on the test cyp and what is your AI protocol?
was on the cyp for around 6 weeks at that time and had no issues below the waistline. was pinning this shit for 10 days, and by the 7th day my libido was gone. and couldnt figure out why, until i got bloods..

interested to hear about your AI protocol as well.
6.25 aromasin EOD. like i said, the e2 was good

could have been tren a . but i think your prob experienced enough to tell the difference , could of been a batch of gear where the guy got crap raws being the result of adulterated products (usually underground products)
maybe it had some tren a in it, because it definitely wasnt all tren. i even still have the bottle and tasted it... tasted nothing like tren. it just felt like i was on masteron.