what do i need to bring out


New member
right now i am bulking up naturally on "wendler's regimen". i should be on my third cycle around january or febuary. i wanted to ask you guys on what body parts should i concentrate on the most when i start my cycle.
here are some current pics of me.




bi traps and shoulders if you want to work on some thing speci.
2nd pic looks like your pulling your prick. lol. that ok tho i pull mine all the time.lol
bi traps and shoulders if you want to work on some thing speci.
2nd pic looks like your pulling your prick. lol. that ok tho i pull mine all the time.lol

Why focus? Hit everything. Back seems wide enough, so you could probably slack a bit there, but other than that, I say crush EVERYTHING.

What about ya wheels?
Why focus? Hit everything. Back seems wide enough, so you could probably slack a bit there, but other than that, I say crush EVERYTHING.

What about ya wheels?

i want everything to be porportional. and the wheels need alot of improvement but thats also my goal now and during the next cycle.
bi traps and shoulders if you want to work on some thing speci.
2nd pic looks like your pulling your prick. lol. that ok tho i pull mine all the time.lol

lol, the second pic is for my girl's personal use so i had to crop it,lol
I'm gonna say legs since they were not worth posting. I agree though, hit all the parts hard. You have a small waist and good structure to add some size to. Keep up the good work.
bi traps and shoulders if you want to work on some thing speci.
2nd pic looks like your pulling your prick. lol. that ok tho i pull mine all the time.lol

bwahahaha you had me laughing hard at that comment.
like previously said, attrack the whole package. Don't put too much thought into 'bring up my upper left pectoral' or 'right inner quad'.

Attack the whole thing...since your body is one terrific unit! That being said, maybe doing a few additional lifts to help your upper chest along the way (a few days after your initial chest workout..if you opt for the typical body split program....) would help. ie if monday is your chest day, after doing legs on wednesday, do some higher set work (perhaps 3-4 sets of 20 reps) for upper chest development