What do you guys think. Not sure which i should do

348 is borderline for hypogonadism. You would have to look at your Free T next to make a diagnosis. 495 though is getting closer to the average for your age. But like I asked before, I thought you had been diagnosed with thyroid problems. Was that you?

Gotta get new labs and see where TT, LH, FSH, Free T and E2 are sitting at now.
348 is borderline for hypogonadism. You would have to look at your Free T next to make a diagnosis. 495 though is getting closer to the average for your age. But like I asked before, I thought you had been diagnosed with thyroid problems. Was that you?

Gotta get new labs and see where TT, LH, FSH, Free T and E2 are sitting at now.

348 up here is decent. You'll get a pat on the back from your GP too and he'll tell you....
"you got some good levels"
No sir no thyroid issue yet that I know of. I was checked about a year and a half ago. Ya 495 was closer but like I said I do not think they maintained at that level. I will get new bloods done and see where I am at. My doctor actually agreed with me that 300-350 is way to low for my age. SHe also said numbers dont mean as much as how I FEEL so that was cool of her. Hopefully this new doc will be good.
No sir no thyroid issue yet that I know of. I was checked about a year and a half ago. Ya 495 was closer but like I said I do not think they maintained at that level. I will get new bloods done and see where I am at. My doctor actually agreed with me that 300-350 is way to low for my age. SHe also said numbers dont mean as much as how I FEEL so that was cool of her. Hopefully this new doc will be good.

You need to test what's Bio Avail.