What do you guys think of a Test prop Anavar (var) 6 week summer cut cycle?


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What do you guys think of a Test prop Var 6 week summer cut cycle?

test p 150mg EOD 1-6
var 80mg 1-6
aromasin on cycle 12.5mg ed
nolva 40/40/20/20
hcg on cycle 250ui every 3 days
Your set up looks pretty good man. You dont your research. Dont see that around here to often! but i like longer cycles. If i was running this cycle i would extend it to 12weeks and change to Test E or Sustanon (sust). but you can do test prop just a lot more pinning. I would also include clomid into your post cycle therapy (pct) at 50/50/50/50
Sorry to hijack your thread, but what are peoples thoughts on pro chem anavar 50mg tablets o thinking of running same cycle as you but for ten weeks
Sorry to hijack your thread, but what are peoples thoughts on pro chem anavar 50mg tablets o thinking of running same cycle as you but for ten weeks

I have never tried pro chem so i cant tell you anything about them. IF i was you i would do some research on them and look at their reviews.
Thank you for your advice I have already done so was just wanting to ask people on steroidology.what's your thoughts on tren acetate this would be my fourth cycle obviouslt I would run tes with it.
Thank you for your advice I have already done so was just wanting to ask people on steroidology.what's your thoughts on tren acetate this would be my fourth cycle obviouslt I would run tes with it.

If its your 4th cycle bro then go for it. Just makes sure you know how to take care of the sides. are you going to run low test with it or high test?
I was thinking of running 1.5ml of pro chem one rip mon wed friday which would give me 300mg of tes prop 300mg masteron 300mg tren acetate a week plus 100mg anavar split in two doses a day.ma diet is good its carb cycling 3 day low carb fourth day high carb.getting bk bk to the tren question will it be okay to run tes at same doseage as tren I know a lot of people have their own opions thanks for your advice mate much appreceated
I was thinking of running 1.5ml of pro chem one rip mon wed friday which would give me 300mg of tes prop 300mg masteron 300mg tren acetate a week plus 100mg anavar split in two doses a day.ma diet is good its carb cycling 3 day low carb fourth day high carb.getting bk bk to the tren question will it be okay to run tes at same doseage as tren I know a lot of people have their own opions thanks for your advice mate much appreceated

I would keep your test at 300mgs. and yeah you would be fine running those compounds. are you going to have caber and adex?
Yes am guna use arimadex mate bit unsure of doseage was thinking 0.25 eod am yet to do reasearch on caber any advice is much appreciated am also going to take vitamin b6 as this helps with prolactin sides.thanx for being helpful mate