What do you guys think of my 3rd cycle?


New member
Just finished putting my 3rd cycle together going to start in a few weeks just waiting on some supplies....my 1st cycle was test only 10 weeks 500mg, 2nd cycle dbol 4 weeks and 600mg test 10 weeks. (The test was only really around 250mg per week as it was extremely under-dosed.

3rd cycle?

wk: 1-6 Dbol 40mg per day
wk: 1-12 Test-E 600mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-9 Tren-E 200mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 10-14 50mg ED stana
wk: 1-11 Dostinex .25mg (Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-14 Arimadex .5mg ED
wk: 3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU (split Sun/Thurs & 10 day blast of 500IU after last pin)
wk: 15-18 Aromasin 20mg ED
wk: 15-18 Clomid 100/100/50/50

What do you guys think
Just finished putting my 3rd cycle together going to start in a few weeks just waiting on some supplies....my 1st cycle was test only 10 weeks 500mg, 2nd cycle dbol 4 weeks and 600mg test 10 weeks. (The test was only really around 250mg per week as it was extremely under-dosed.

3rd cycle?

wk: 1-6 Dbol 40mg per day
wk: 1-12 Test-E 600mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-9 Tren-E 200mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 10-14 50mg ED stana
wk: 1-11 Dostinex .25mg (Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-14 Arimadex .5mg ED
wk: 3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU (split Sun/Thurs & 10 day blast of 500IU after last pin)
wk: 15-18 Aromasin 20mg ED
wk: 15-18 Clomid 100/100/50/50

What do you guys think

dbol looks fine
test looks fine
tren you should bump to 400...200 wont do it

drop the stana...

why not run the aromasin at 12.5 to start and titrate?

clomid will be fine at 50/50/50/50
Looks like you have some good gains to come with that stack.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you know your test was underdosed on your second cycle? I've heard a couple others say they've thought their shit was too, curious for the possible signs.
Looks like you have some good gains to come with that stack.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you know your test was underdosed on your second cycle? I've heard a couple others say they've thought their shit was too, curious for the possible signs.

Quickest way to tell is to get a blood test thats what I did.....my last cycle I kick started with dbol and had some amazing gains and pumps for the 1st 4 weeks whistle i was doing 600mg test and soon as the bdol finished it all went down hill my pumps completely stopped I felt flat in the gym and this went on for several weeks after the dbol and also no additional gains so I went got my bloods done about week 10 when I knew theres no way it takes 10 weeks for test to be at full steam in your system and my results were 1440ng/dl I had the test done with in 48 hours of last pin based on 600mg of test per week my results should have been in the high 2000's to maybe low 3000's. It worked out I was only booting about 250mg per week of test based on my results therefore my gear was underdosed by more then half of what it was meant to be. Hope this helps
dbol looks fine
test looks fine
tren you should bump to 400...200 wont do it

drop the stana...

why not run the aromasin at 12.5 to start and titrate?

clomid will be fine at 50/50/50/50

Wouldn't mind wondering why u said drop the stana wot are your thoughts on this? I threw it in to make the most of the 2 weeks after last pin before post cycle therapy (pct) as my test would be slowly tapering of so my thoughts were to throw some stana in as its got a short ester and I could just stop a coulple of days before post cycle therapy (pct) and would help shred up a bit....Ive also never ran tren before and have been told its some pretty serious gear so was just being cautious I have read on many different forums that 200mg per week for a 1st timmer would be sufficient?
Wouldn't mind wondering why u said drop the stana wot are your thoughts on this? I threw it in to make the most of the 2 weeks after last pin before post cycle therapy (pct) as my test would be slowly tapering of so my thoughts were to throw some stana in as its got a short ester and I could just stop a coulple of days before post cycle therapy (pct) and would help shred up a bit....Ive also never ran tren before and have been told its some pretty serious gear so was just being cautious I have read on many different forums that 200mg per week for a 1st timmer would be sufficient?

winni (stana) is not a cutter bro...it will just dry you out which gives the effect of cutting....it will also dry out your joints and fuck up your lipids....IMO the only thing its good for is to take it at 15mg/ed to decrease shbg. oh and also the only thing you want to run after you last pin is hcg....winni will keep you shut down so thats not a good idea....hcg at 500iu/ed for 10 days starting day after your last inject is what you should do after last pin...then 4 days later you post cycle therapy (pct)

as far as the tren goes....I ran my first cycle at 200....I couldnt even tell I was on anything...if your concerned then run it at 300...but once I bumped it up to 400 thats when I started having fun...its up to you bro

ps...food is what will give you your gains so eat a shit ton!
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wk: 1-6 Dbol 40mg per day
wk: 1-12 Test-E 600mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-10 Tren-E 300mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-12 Dostinex .25mg-.5mg (Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-14 Arimadex .5mg ED
wk: 3-12 HCG 500IU (split Sun/Thurs & 10 day blast of 500IU after last pin)
wk: 15-18 Aromasin 20mg ED
wk: 15-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50

wk: 1-6 Dbol 40mg per day
wk: 1-12 Test-E 600mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-10 Tren-E 300mg (split Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-12 Dostinex .25mg-.5mg (Sun/Thurs)
wk: 1-14 Arimadex .5mg ED
wk: 3-12 HCG 500IU (split Sun/Thurs & 10 day blast of 500IU after last pin)
wk: 15-18 Aromasin 20mg ED
wk: 15-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50

That looks fine....I would run the dostinex through post cycle therapy (pct) as well