If you haven't seen them then google them,there two of them Justin Taylor lot that all claim natty but nah I'm not havin it,I'm not saying you couldn't achieve it natty but you can just tell they arnt...
I feel like they have work ethic, so they don't have to be on anything fancy. 300-500 of any test/ wk over a long enough period (12wks on 12 off for say eighteen or thirty months) plus proper diet and training.
Gear does make a differance or we would not be here correct ?
To say or to ask " What do you think they are running is paramount to asking what is their blood type ? " OP OI am not trying to make you feel bad or to say ANYTHING bad about this thread OK ?
But without either good genetics, a good work ethic and adherence to some type of diet and aerobics routine ( probably a combo of the aforementioned ) that look is unattainable.
Google the Barbarian twins from the 80 s....if you wanna I mean..
Who cares what they r taking. Really if u find out will it let you sleep better at night? Care about yourself your gear your diet and your gym time. When you do that youll start seeing the change you want to see in you.
Come to think about it, who really cares? It's really throwing darts in the dark to guess exactly what they are running? But I very much doubt they are natty... and I don't say that because I think they are huge, far from it
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