What do you think of this mild Test.E cycle?


New member
I am 32 years, been working out since I was 19, but more casually since my 26th (from 5 days a week + other sports to 2x a week). I am 5 foot and 10 inches and 152 lbs. Based on a caliper measurement I have 12%-14% bodyfat. In my peak I was 168 lbs with 8% to 9% body fat (Dexa) during the cut.

I was always an active and high energy person. For the last few month I have had mind fogs, fatigue, weakness, muscle pain and other problems and have not been able to workout.

Based on my latest bloodwork done by my internist-urologist my testosterone level is 299 ng/dl. According to him it is between the norm of 290 to 1000 ng/dl , but according to other sources it is too low for my age. However the internist cannot find any other source for the problem.

While I wait for another doctor, which can take up to 6 weeks and another 4 weeks to get an appointment due to the winter holidays. I am considering doing a cycle which is.

Week 1 to 14 = 100mg Testosterone Enanthate every 5 days

Week 17 and 18 = daily 10mg Nolvadex

Based on Steroidplot.com after 4 weeks the added testosterone should be between the 10 mg and 20 mg a day.

I am aware that this low dosage is not going to create (much) lean mass and lean mass benefits starts from 300 mg/week and higher. My goal is to improve my testosterone levels.

What do you think of this mild cycle to bring my testosterone levels up?

p.s. I posted this here and not on the TRT forum as it seems there are more cycle experts here.
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You should dig into your hypogondism first. Don't run a cycle now. Continue to work with your doctors to figure out what is wrong or get put on TRT if you are unable yo identify the cause and remedy it. Start by determining if you are primary or secondary hypogonadotropic.
If u go get tested while on gear the docs won't do shit for u. It's a bad move. It will take too long for that ester to clear and will throw off your testing.
The waiting is frustrating when you have fatigue all day, brain fogs, your mind wants to do things but your body has no energy. I sleep 12 hours a day and am still tired. Whether I want it or not I fall asleep around 8 pm. As a freelancer it is costing me my clients and my income. It is a very bad situation to be in. Waiting is so hard in this situation.

I posted my bloodwork here steroidology.com/forum/testosterone-replacement-therapy/674438-low-testosterone-don-t-know-what-do.html#post3574166

Strangely my internist did not look LH & FSH. Most internist-urologists have no clue what they are doing in regards to testosterone levels. Most of their jobs is working with elderly men with prostate cancer.

That is also my fear. But is it getting frustrating to wait