What Effect will Oral AS Have on Testosterone and LH Medical Test?

Em Ty

New member
What Effect will AS Have on Testosterone and LH Medical Test?

I've had testosterone levels on the low end for a while and I'm diabetic and 44. I've had a lot of resistance from my doctor about even discussing my test levels, even after I think they tanked further last fall. Since that time my muscle mass has dropped off noticeably and my body, which had always run hot, suddenly turned much cooler. I also exerienced ED for the first time. I've done a lot of reading and it seems to point to my test levels.

Two weeks ago I started taking oral anavar, tren, clen, and win to help me drop weight and combat the muscle loss. I've noticed a definite improvement in both areas and would like to continue.

Fast forward to yesterday and I had an appointment with a urologist. He's ordered a set of tests for me, including testosterone, Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Prolactin. I would be surprised if I didn't have low test levels but I'm not sure what effect the orals will have on the test results. Will they show up? Should I hold off on the bloodwork until I've cleared my system, and how long would I have to wait?

Thanks for your help, guys.
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You ran Orals without running injectable testosterone?
Congrats, you just fucked up your natural testosterone levels and hpta function even more.
Welcome to trt for life

You should hope all the Orals you were taking were fake crap you got scammed on,, you know, like your oral tren ;)
You ran Orals without running injectable testosterone?
Congrats, you just fucked up your natural testosterone levels and hpta function even more.
Welcome to trt for life

You should hope all the Orals you were taking were fake crap you got scammed on,, you know, like your oral tren ;)

i read this earlier and was so confused by the oral tren. I just assumed it wasn't real but if it was that would be tough on the liver.
Your test will come it at hypogonadal levels as those oral steroids shut down your natural testosterone production, but they don't replace it. Unfortunately, your LH and FSH are going to come at essentially zero and this will tell your doc that you are using steroids currently. I doubt he will want to help you with TRT knowing that you use steroids.

You liver is likely to appear damaged as well after running all those oral steroids.

Let us know how the results turn out and how you appointment goes.

Males running oral steroids without injectable test is a very poor choice.
If you weren't hypogonadal you will be now. Males need test, endogenous preferably, but if that ain't working then exogenous is the only option left.

I wish you the best getting things worked out though. Few things sucks as bad as low test levels for men
Low testosterone levels will decrease insulin sensitivity and worse your diabetes. a 44 year old with diabetes and hypogonadism should find NO problem getting a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy from most doctors in my opinion. If you get blood work now, your testosterone should be even MORE shit than usual and you should be able to get TRT. IF this doctor is THAT hard headed about it, find a new one. Having extremely low levels of testosterone is as bad as having uncontrolled blood glucose levels. Your chances of coronary artery disease/depression/diabetes/ED/ETC are increased with low testosterone. Contrary to popular belief, optimal testosteorne levels have a PROTECTIVE effect on the cardiovascular system. Studies showing detrimental effects fail to take into account estradiol levels, which are proven to increase cardiovascular risk(studies in Male-Female transvestites)

It doesn't help that you see commercials from law offices stating ; "HAVE YOU BEEN PRESCRIBED TESTOSTERONE FROM YOUR DOCTOR?! CALL NOW AND GET DAT $$$$$$" If i were a doctor, that would definitely discourage me. The healthcare system in the USA is pretty much bullshit. You need to watch out for yourself and make smart choices.

Diabetes is a risk factor for hypogonadism. The excess glucose causes oxidative stress in the testicles and damages the testosterone secreting cells overtime. Low testosterone+High blood glucose is a recipe for cardiovascular damage and the more time you spend in that state, the more damage, possibly permanent, you will run into.
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The tren will have elevated your prolactin as well if you aren't taking anything to combat it. Jesus Christ, what a mess. You really should do more research, and ask more questions before swallowing whatever pills you can get your hands on, and injecting likewise.
Low testosterone levels will decrease insulin sensitivity and worse your diabetes. a 44 year old with diabetes and hypogonadism should find NO problem getting a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy from most doctors in my opinion. If you get blood work now, your testosterone should be even MORE shit than usual and you should be able to get TRT. IF this doctor is THAT hard headed about it, find a new one. Having extremely low levels of testosterone is as bad as having uncontrolled blood glucose levels. Your chances of coronary artery disease/depression/diabetes/ED/ETC are increased with low testosterone. Contrary to popular belief, optimal testosteorne levels have a PROTECTIVE effect on the cardiovascular system. Studies showing detrimental effects fail to take into account estradiol levels, which are proven to increase cardiovascular risk(studies in Male-Female transvestites)

It doesn't help that you see commerciasl from law offices stating ; "HAVE YOU BEEN PRESCRIBED TESTOSTERONE FROM YOUR DOCTOR?! CALL NOW AND GET DAT $$$$$$" If i were a doctor, that would definitely discourage me. The healthcare system in the USA is pretty much bullshit. You need to watch out for yourself and make smart choices.

Absolute God damn truth here.

You better hope your doc is clueles OP; you've engaged your negative feedback loop, and as was stated above - will come back with very low levels for both LH/FSH. I would be surprised if the doctor does anything for you as well as your insurance company not taking interest in the results.

I really wish you had asked BEFORE taking those pills. The good news is that the ban on prohormones is still recent, so you can blame your results on a "test booster" that you found out had PH in it. In all likelihood, you will have to come off EVERYTHING and get another test in a few months.

My .02c :)
This is how i imagined OP when i read your post;


Mostly the pill guzzling part, not the roid rage. lmfao

Watched that shit like 10 times just now lmao. Well OP you should really listen to all of the above posters. Next time really look into what you are buying. How the hell did you end up with oral tren. It is possible to make but is very ineffective and extremely liver toxic, worst than halotestin. You really have a shit ton of research to do, and you need to inject testosterone alongside any oral steroid, and this rule applies to everyone except females.
Watched that shit like 10 times just now lmao. Well OP you should really listen to all of the above posters. Next time really look into what you are buying. How the hell did you end up with oral tren. It is possible to make but is very ineffective and extremely liver toxic, worst than halotestin. You really have a shit ton of research to do, and you need to inject testosterone alongside any oral steroid, and this rule applies to everyone except females.

It makes me die, every, single, time. One of my favorite clips on youtube.
"Testosterone deficiency in men, from either surgical or natural
hypogonadism, is a well defined state, and the sequelae are outlined extensively in
chapter 13. These men are obese, insulin resistant, at risk for heart disease, have
decreased muscle mass and strength, are certainly at risk for osteoporosis, and
clearly have diminished sexual function."

An excerpt from my testosterone textbook.