what flavor and isolate from TP


New member
i started out on nitro-tech and cell-tech and now looking to change.
What isolate should i get and why (i know the differences but would like some feedback which one is better for the money) and what is a good tasting flavor that you have tried. i think im gonig to get like 20lbs or so of this stuff.
I have yet to get my Ion-Exchange Whey Isolate so I can only state what most people say....Dante and Doug (TP owners) both now use the cold filtration whey isolate - dante has used ion exchange whey before so I guess both products are VERY good.
For flavour - I would suggest to choose PLAIN and ask if you can get 2 flavour packs for the 20 lbs (why not buying 50? that's a better price.) and mix in the flavour only when needed - you can mix the plain protein with EVERYTHING liquid at all other times.....like grape juice after workouts.
For flavour pack's flavour - i like the good old chocolate.
and if you want to save some bucks - type in DAG447 in the discount code field when ordering!

BTW - First post here - hey everyone ^.^

Dave from Germany
Dante, Doug, and Mike (TRCanada) all like the Cold-Filtration the best.

I have tried the Ion-Exchange and it is awesome, but these guys like the cold-filtration better, so next order I am going to get 50lbs of that.

Ion-Exchange costs more than Cold-Filtration : That doesn't mean one is better than the other. The reason the Ion-Exchange costs more - The "ion-exchange process" is more expensive.

As for flavours, I like vanilla. Not too strong at all. The chocolate I found was too sweet.
I just got my bag of Ion exchange and it OFF DA HOOK. I wouldnt know how the cold filtration could beat that!

So I guess - whatever you choose: You will not make a mistake!

Have you already ordered?

Yeah, I'm gonna make an order w/TP soon. I haven't tried TP before, but any of the other hundreds of protein powders I've tried I've ALWAYS been disappointed if I get something besides chocolate or vanilla. Never go wrong w/chocolate.
You´ll not go wrong.
As for flavours - I´d suggest to order the protein plain and buy some flavour packs and mess around with them - you´ll easily fiind out what suits you well. and they can also be used for other things like I mixed a little of my choco flavour with green tea yesterday...was something different =) also you can always try around HOW MUCH flavour you want in there and such..a good thing to me ;)
i ordered 12lbs plain and got 2 flavor packs choclate and vanilla. i also got some aminogen and vitamans in there also. hopefully it is as good as you guys say it is