What Foods To Avoid During Cut For Bellyfat?


New member
So far I've cut out milk, honey from my teas, burrito rolls from my eggs breakfast, and am wondering if drinking milk or honey would really affect my goal to lose bellyfat?
First off get back on honey, real honey, organic honey from Farmers Market or something on that level. Burritos rolls for breakfast are great if your going to work, or going to gym to bulk up some more. Second, get back on milk as well, organic milk. Get lots of fiber going as well fruits and vegies, hit it bro. Whats your diet like now?
Alcohol, sugars, anything that has high fructose corn syrup, msg, highly processed foods and preservatives.

Stick to clean organic all natural foods and you'll be good like Milton suggested with the farmers market (note: good fats from avacodos, fish etc. are also good-- loosing belly fat does NOT mean cutting out fat)

Also,, the liver has a lot to do with fatty deposits - do a liver cleanse ,, supplement with NAS, milk thistle, turmeric, potassium, zinc, and vit D to help.