what happened to old school PCT?


card counting specialist
Hey guys
I been reading a lot of everyone's PCT plans and it seems that PCT got way complicated. Some have more compounds in it than their cycle itself. What happened to good old clomid and nolvadex?
I'm starting a cycle epi 2a3a this week. going to run 4 weeks. my PCT is going to be nolvadex and DAA. I don't like the way clomid makes me feel so I'm going with DAA for a test boost.
Anyone else feel like things got complicated? or is it just that there's so many available options now that people are using everything at once to ensure their PCT works? Ive always like the K.I.S.S method...
Do whatever works for you.......I prefer a SERM and DAA powder, followed with some type of E-control 2 weeks into PCT.
There are many better options that were not always there... I feel that a serm will always have a place in post cycle therapy (pct) but relying on it alone is not the best option... People tend to run them too high and/or solely depend upon them when there are better methods to ensure a quicker and better recovery... It is not that complicated... everything has a place... Obviously, kickstarting testosterone production is the main part of post cycle therapy (pct) but there are several other issues that need to be addressed in post cycle therapy (pct)... Hormone fluctuation, pressure on liver, blood pressure increases, pressure on the endocrine system, pressure on multiple other organs, cortisol control problems, pressure on the kidneys and the list goes on... This is where a product like n2guard comes into play and can help with all of these issues... These are just a small list of things that get overlooked and are very important to address...
what happened to old school pct's is the same as what happened to old school TV's, computers, cars etc my friend. They got a lot better and the old ones are just that "OLD" and now redundant. IN short there are far better options and methods about its just evolution..
If you think about 'old school' PCTs....there never used to be one back in the 60s-70s. You would ramp up your doses and ramp off your doses when going on and off steroids.

Now we have things like clomid and nolva, DAA, etc to help aid in restoring HPTA back to normal levels in a more efficient manner.
Yeah right, imagine if this was 1981 and half the stuff didn't exist. I'd be fuct.

Truth is all these new products have their place. Read up on them and give them a try