what is considered higher blood pressure on cycle?


I am banned!
I have taken my blood pressure reading 3 time today and it is always around 175/95 range. Is this not normal on a cycle. Should I cut dbol down to 25 mg per day? Or is this DECA finally kicking in? I still got good pumps and strength but my skin is red and my face and feet are bloated.
You are an idiot. Listen carefully, stop the cycle and go to a doctor immediately. This is no joke you can die from blood pressure that high. You are very hard headed and now that things have started to go wrong for you I hope you understand that the advice you received here was correct. Now stop fucking around and go see a doctor.
Your not fucking around with skittles kid. With blood pressure that high, you can stroke out and/or die. I wish I knew you cuz I'd take you to the emergency room right now motherfucker!!!
I did not think it was that serious. I feel fine right now. I'll check it again in a few minutes if high I'll make an appointment. I have heard of higher on cycle I believed. I thought this was not that high at all just a bit above stage 2 hypertension
Bud this is no longer a fucking joke you need to go to the doctor right now. Stop fucking around! I really hope you are just a stupid troll and this is not serious because I am afraid for your health bud
Driving to walk in clinic after my sister brings the car back in a few minutes. I think I'll be fine but just to check. Idk why I get negged for anything I post here
No way this kid is real. If he is then he is seriously a first class idiot. No one real would display this much stupidity openly. Let nature run its course. This is Darwinism working at it's finest.
Not sure if this kid is serious or not. I am just being cautious and giving him good advice in case he is serious. I hope it is a troll. I know people this dumb but they are usually willing to take advice. My gym is full of guys who are not very bright, but this kid is just way too hard headed. Hopefully he is actually driving to a hospital if he is serious about his issues.
I am skeptical that anyone could bloat so bad that quick to raise the BP like that. You would have to be pretty stupid. Especially since I know how uncomfortable it is to have BP readings high but no where near that high.
I am skeptical that anyone could bloat so bad that quick to raise the BP like that. You would have to be pretty stupid. Especially since I know how uncomfortable it is to have BP readings high but no where near that high.

Dbol and anadrol can bloat you in a hurry. Kid's probably a fucking troll, but I still think it is best to play it safe. Hopefully he gets banned soon so someone else can help him with his stupid cycles.
Are you taking an AI? aNything higher than 150/90 for any length of time can be life threatening. If yur just trolling then fuck off. If you're serious, abort cycle and see a dr. ER preferably
Dbol and anadrol can bloat you in a hurry. Kid's probably a fucking troll, but I still think it is best to play it safe. Hopefully he gets banned soon so someone else can help him with his stupid cycles.

your a good man. Tren is giving me a very low tolerance for BS so that's why I say fuck him:)
Towards the end of my last cycle I went into the doc with 200/110.. Told him I was on gear.
They did an EKG, said heart was fine and sent me home and ordered blood work and told me to stop taking steroids

Rbc was high but not over normal range.. I dropped the deca and lowered the test (12 weeks in, planned running 14 weeks) and just cruised on primo,, took cialis and ran a diuretic for two weeks.
Got it down to 150/95
Doc wasn't concerned

Before ever taking gear I was always around 120/70... Absolutely true that gear increases blood pressure
Towards the end of my last cycle I went into the doc with 200/110.. Told him I was on gear.
They did an EKG, said heart was fine and sent me home and ordered blood work and told me to stop taking steroids

Rbc was high but not over normal range.. I dropped the deca and lowered the test (12 weeks in, planned running 14 weeks) and just cruised on primo,, took cialis and ran a diuretic for two weeks.
Got it down to 150/95
Doc wasn't concerned

Before ever taking gear I was always around 120/70... Absolutely true that gear increases blood pressure

Holy shit dude. Are you sure your cuff is not too small? I got a special cuff made for obese people so it fits arms from 17" to 22". With the smaller cuff, only approved for up to 13" I would get crazy numbers too.
Holy shit dude. Are you sure your cuff is not too small? I got a special cuff made for obese people so it fits arms from 17" to 22". With the smaller cuff, only approved for up to 13" I would get crazy numbers too.

I'm an ectomorph small framed guy,, 5'10 185 with a 29 inch waist.. So not huge arms,, cuff was probably fine.. It was like 170/95 on my home monitor,, and even higher when I went to the doc..

Before I left the doc office they had me lay down and relax and rest for 20 mins or so,, it came down and then they let me go home, but was still high.

Personally, don't know if there is any medical evidence for this,, but I think significant muscle and weight gains itself increases blood pressure as well especially when it happens quickly.
My going from being sedative and recovering from back surgery (having lost a lot of weight),, to putting on 22 lbs quickly may have played a role in the elevated BP
I'm an ectomorph small framed guy,, 5'10 185 with a 29 inch waist.. So not huge arms,, cuff was probably fine.. It was like 170/95 on my home monitor,, and even higher when I went to the doc..

Before I left the doc office they had me lay down and relax and rest for 20 mins or so,, it came down and then they let me go home, but was still high.

Personally, don't know if there is any medical evidence for this,, but I think significant muscle and weight gains itself increases blood pressure as well especially when it happens quickly.
My going from being sedative and recovering from back surgery (having lost a lot of weight),, to putting on 22 lbs quickly may have played a role in the elevated BP

Yeah muscle and weight make it go up, but it seems weird that you would have it that high. I carry around a lot of weight, especially for my height, and mine has never gone below 135/75. I normally am not over 120/70, but on cycle it went up. Maybe it was the amount of weight you put on, 22 pounds is a lot of muscle to add. I only gained about 12 pounds on cycle and I have kept 10 of them. Guessing this blood pressure shit is tough to figure out as there are too many variables, and it probably helps that I am only 26 years old. Just kind of scary hearing of a number that high, but if your doc checked you then I guess you're g2g. I wonder what kind of blood pressure the pro bodybuilders and power lifters have....probably on all sorts of shit to keep it lower.
Towards the end of my last cycle I went into the doc with 200/110.. Told him I was on gear.
They did an EKG, said heart was fine and sent me home and ordered blood work and told me to stop taking steroids

Rbc was high but not over normal range.. I dropped the deca and lowered the test (12 weeks in, planned running 14 weeks) and just cruised on primo,, took cialis and ran a diuretic for two weeks.
Got it down to 150/95
Doc wasn't concerned

Before ever taking gear I was always around 120/70... Absolutely true that gear increases blood pressure

Sheesh man 200/110!!!!! Thats crazy. I wouldnt say all gear increases BP for certain I think some compounds do and also it depends on the individual. I actually stay right around 120/60 maybe a few points higher. Last Tren run I hardly went above that.

OP quit being silly and posting things that I find very hard to believe. If they are true tou cant be ailly enough to avoid going to the doc and continuing this cycle that should have never been started in the first place. Nothing wrong with AAS use, but safety first man.
