What Is MMA?


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What Is MMA? (An Introduction To The Sport.)

To thoes not familiar with MMA here is a small introduction to the sport...

Modern MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) tournaments began to rise as a popular phenomenon back in 1993 with the UFC(Ultimate Fighting Championship) PRIDE FC and other cage based promotions, based the concept of two fighters using different fighting styles against each other in competition with minimal rules in place, in an attempt to determine which system would be more effective and superior in a reallife combat situation.

What is MMA?

MMA(Mixed artial Arts) is an intense full contact sport in which competitors use mulitple forms, styles of fighting disciplines that may include jiu-jitsu, judo, karate, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and others to their strategic and tactical advantage in a supervised match.

Scoring for mixed martial arts events in Nevada, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Florida is based on athletic-commission approved definitions and rules for striking (blows with the hands, feet, knees or elbows) and grappling (submission, choke holds, throws or takedowns). No single discipline reigns.

How are matches scored?

Matches are scored on a points scheme with the winner of the round scoring 10 his opponent 9 or less based on skill, agression and octagon, cage or ring control.

How do you win a fight?

To win the match a fighter must either win via points, submission or the opponent is unable to continue weather that eb from a fighter being rendered unconcious or referee stoppage


The rules as follow:

Approved gloves must be worn
Weight classes specifications
Time limits and rounds
Mandatory drug testing
No head butting or kicking to the downed opponent
No knees to the head of a downed opponent
No downward point of the elbow strikes to the head
No strikes to the spine or the back of the head
No groin or throat strikes

Hope this helps.
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It sure has changed a lot since the early days where they would have a huge guy fight a small guy, punches to the groin, ect. Now that it is a lot more organized and there are world class atheletes competing so it is a lot more entertaining. Good post.
I'm sure it helps but it does no justice to the sport. You've gotta watch it! :) ..and if your in a decent size city look around for semi-pro or amatuer MMA organizations. It's awesome to watch live... even if it's not UFC. And any ex-wrestlers out there?? ..find a gym that offers it and try it! You'll love it.