What is my body fat (pic)

What I do is interval training and p90x between bulks while I cut. By doing this, not only can you maintain and lose bf, but you are essentially improve your lipid profile and overall fitness. This comes into play when you cycle, which can increase your cholesterol, etc. A lot of people use superdrol and it "thrashes" their lipid profile but because I did p90x the month before my cycle I had excellent cholesterol.

Fat burning with cardio and weights plus a good diet. SonofZeus has a good diet for his tren cycle. I used something similar to that when I cut. You can also go with a keto diet. Lately I'm hearing amazing things about intermittent fasting. So there's a lot of ways to cut first. When you cut, trust me you'll be much happier bulking with aas. Just my .02
Then I need advice for dieting and fat burning please

Honestly since you are looking to cycle and spend the money on that, the best thing you could spend your money on is a diet plan with 3J in the diet forum on this site. Contact him and he will set you up. He can get your diet on point and you will be amazed at the results you will get. You are young so refrain from using steroids until you are at least 24. You may not want to hear that, but then again, you probably don't want to deal with the possibility of fucked up hormones after a cycle as well. Food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body. Hit him up and good luck.