Between superdrol and mestanalone??? any feedback please...
from doing a google search I found that
mestanolone is methyl dht while superdrol is methyl masteron
here is write up on it by david tolson
Methyldihydrotestosterone (methyl-DHT; 17alpha-methyl-17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstane-3-on, mestanolone) is a steroid that has characteristics similar to those of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), but unlike DHT is orally bioavailable [1]. Methyl-DHT was the second most commonly used steroid by German athletes in decades past, who were among the best in the world largely because of widespread steroid use [2]. There is comparatively little information, either scientific or anecdotal, on methyl-DHT, although there is a wealth of information on DHT. This article will discuss the information on methyl-DHT and what can be expected from this compound.
One common way of characterizing steroids is by their relative anabolic (muscle-building) and androgenic effects. Androgenic effects refer primarily to secondary sex characteristics: increased body hair, deeper voice, balding, and so on. Androgenic compounds characteristically also have strong psychological effects, such as increased aggressiveness and concentration. Among bodybuilders, highly androgenic compounds are commonly used pre-contest or during cutting cycles for increasing muscle hardness and decreasing water retention and also to provide stimulation and increase concentration and performance in the gym. They also typically have anti-estrogenic effects.
The anabolic and androgenic effects of methyl-DHT were compared to testosterone and methyltestosterone in some early animal studies [1]. In tests of its androgenic potency (total of five tests), methyl-DHT ranged from 20-255% as androgenic as testosterone or testosterone propionate, with a per study average of 70%. In terms of anabolic effects relative to testosterone, the range was 25-105% with an average at 55%. One study also compared the effects of methyl-DHT to methyltestosterone, and it measured as ~60% as androgenic and 25% as anabolic. The large differences in these values are due to multiple differences in experimental design, not to mention the problems with extrapolating animal research to humans, but this research does give a general idea of what the potency and effects of this compound might be.
Although some scattered small-scale research does appear to exist, there is very little published information on the use of methyl-DHT in humans. Observations in Germany by scientists indicated that it is effective at increasing athletic performance [2]. There is also a patent that describes some of the effects of methyl-DHT administration on humans [3]. According to the patent, methyl-DHT is anabolic in humans, but not with the same potency of other commonly used steroids. However, this was with only 10-20 mg daily. They also reported a strong anticatabolic effect (in other words, it inhibited lean tissue breakdown) in a study of 54 "physically highly stressed test persons."
Most notable in the patent, however, were comments regarding the psychological effects of methyl-DHT. To quote from the patent:
"This research completely unexpectedly and surprisingly discovered a hitherto unknown further action of mestanolone [methyl-DHT], namely the supply thereof led to an optimization of the central nervous system activation during preparation for the task and to a maintaining of this optimum activation even under high stresses. Thus, there was an increase [in] psychophysiological capacity.
"...The test persons performed difficult exercises requiring high physical capacities linked with high intellectual concentration and muscular coordination with far fewer errors. Complicated movement sequences with a high degree of stressing did not lead to a reduction in the degree of activation and instead the increased capacity remained after several repeats."
A final effect indicated in this application was that after 20 mg for six weeks, natural testosterone production was not affected. It should not be counted on for this effect to be reliable, as it could have been a function of dose or the way that testosterone regulation was measured. All steroids should be cycled on and off, with the employment of proper post-cycle therapy.
There is also another study, published in the early 1960's, in which women with tuberculosis were given 100 mg daily of methyl-DHT sublingually. Compared to control, the women given methyl-DHT had increased body weight and nitrogen retention [4].
Although user feedback is generally unreliable, it is the next best thing given the low amount of published information on the effects of methyl-DHT in humans. In general, reports from users are in line with what should be expected given the characteristics of this steroid: the perception of muscle hardening, decreased appearance of body fat, strength increases, muscle preservation while dieting (but no pronounced muscle building effect), increased sex drive, and increased confidence and concentration in the gym. In terms of side effects, some report an increased rate of hair loss, while others do not note this effect.
We now have information on the historical use of this compound in Germany, animal studies, a human study (albeit from a patent application, which is far from ideal), and user feedback. Putting this all together, we find that the information is generally consistent, and the following conclusions can be drawn:
Methyl-DHT has a strong psychological component, increasing aggression, concentration, strength, stamina, and athletic performance. It is ideal for use pre-workout.
Methyl-DHT will build muscle, but not nearly to the same degree as potent muscle builders such as methyl-1-test or many other commonly used steroids. However, it will help preserve muscle during periods of high stress or dieting.
Side effects will be primarily androgenic in nature, and estrogenic side effects (gyno, water retention) are very unlikely. Concurrent use of other substances to prevent hair loss, acne, or prostate enlargement (note that whether or not DHT causes this is a point of debate) is something to consider. Also, women should not use methyl-DHT.
It may be that methyl-DHT is best used as a supplement to a more potent substance while on a cycle. By using this strategy, one could have the muscle building effects of one compound and the psychological benefit of methyl-DHT at the same time.
In terms of dosage, 20-50 mg is recommended. Generally, people will take a dosage on the higher end of this range as a standalone, or a lower dose when stacking. Since this compound is methylated, liver toxicity is a potential concern. Not taking more than 50 mg, limiting cycle length to a month or less, avoiding alcohol, other methyls, and other drugs that may compromise the liver, and taking a supplement to protect the liver are all recommended. And, as with any steroid or prohormone, a cycle should be followed up with post-cyle therapy.
1. Vida, Julius A. Androgens and Anabolic Agents: Chemistry and Pharmacology. Academic Press 1969.
2. Franke WW, Berendonk B. Hormonal doping and androgenization of athletes: a secret program of the German Democratic Republic government. Clin Chem 1997 Jul;43(7):1262-79.
3. Mattern et al. Medicament for influencing the degree of activation of the central nervous system. US Patent #5591732, Jan 7 1997.
4. Harris LH. Protein anabolic action of mestanolone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1961;21:1099.