What is Tren exactly? How good is it?

I am about 3 days away from the end of 6 weeks on Tren only.

No shut down,a little anxious but I can't say irritable,the cough was somewhat annoying,several nights I was uncomfortable but nothing major. I went 75mg ED.

Weight was maintained,I was going lower calorie and high protein so I know I lost fat and gained LBM.

Sides vs benefits? For me I love the drug and will do it again.

StoneColdNTO said:
That is NOT a very good cycle for your first one. You are stacking 4 different compounds in there.....how on earth are you going to know which one did what for you ?????

Keep it simple my friend !!

Learn how you react to steroids slowly, one at a time.

Do Sustanon (sust) (or preferably a single ester Test like Enanthate or Cypionate) at 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

I would have to agree with Stonecold. If this is one of your first cycles, you need to learn "your" body and how it reacts to specific gear.

Tren has some awesome pros but the sleepless nights and broken glass around my house would leave me without a wife and kids if i took that stuff again!!!!!:asshole:

Just a little personal input!
Yeah bro try to stick to one or maybe even two types of juice on your first cycle, deffinately not 4 different things though, you will never know what caused a side effect, or what caused your gains if you use too many things. Save the rest of your stuff for a later cycle
Appreciate it guys... great input from all of you...i'm just trying to get my hands on some thai's or russian d-bols :afro: but i'm going to just do a small cycle .. thx for everything :D