What is your definition of PIP (Post Inject Pain)? what does it mean to you?

When you inject these oil based compounds into your muscle, the oils quickly begin to separate and break down. Higher dosed products, or supersaturated products like prop, or bold cyp that can barely dissolve in the liquid, will crash and crystallize right in your muscle and cause havoc as this forces your body into an immune response, to attack the newly formed foreign body your muscle cause redness, swelling, and pain to the touch.
It is not and infection like some people think, but your body's response to a pathogen, or foreign body in your muscle.
PIP for me , extreme sharp or dull pain in injection site that last over 24 hours that hinders my physical functions at area of injection.
There are so many different definitions of PIP.
What causes it?
Did I use the wrong gauge pin?
Did I pin with the same needle that I pulled the gear out of the bottle with thus dulling the needle?
Incorrect mixtures of gear?
Did I move the needle around while pinning?
Pinned the wrong spot?

What has your experience been with this and what do you do to avoid it?

Good questions to ask when your shoulder is all swollen from PIP.
There are so many different definitions of PIP.
What causes it?
Did I use the wrong gauge pin?
Did I pin with the same needle that I pulled the gear out of the bottle with thus dulling the needle?
Incorrect mixtures of gear?
Did I move the needle around while pinning?
Pinned the wrong spot?

What has your experience been with this and what do you do to avoid it?

pain in the rear?
I know now that my PIP this past year or two has only to do with my injecting technique. IE: if I do 2-1/2 mLs in a 23G needle I tend to get shaky waiting on the oil to move thru.